Part 147

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'You had so much fun at your party and you can't wait to meet the babies in 5 months. You and Tom are packing for New York, when you come back, you'll be stuck home for a while'

Tom: Ready for New York?

You: Yeah...just trying to figure out how to professionally hide this stomach of mine

Tom: What do you mean?

You: I can't wear your sweatshirts to work, and my baggy clothes get less baggy everyday

Tom: We'll just hide in the shadows

You: What about the people we work with?

Tom: We'll ask them not to say anything if they pick up on it

You: Alright. I'm going to pack food for the flight, these fellas make me hungry all the time

Tom: It makes sense, you are feeding three

You: Also, true. Do you want anything special?

Tom: No, whatever you pack is fine. I'll finish up here and help you after

You: Thanks Spidey

'You go downstairs to pack a bag of snacks'

Kristen: Are you sure you have enough snacks?

You: You're right, I should pack more

Kristen: Jesus y/n, you're eating for two, not three

You: How did you get three?

Kristen: It would be you, little Haylee, and Tom

You: Well, Tom's basically a child, so I'm packing for like 4 or 5

Kristen: Oh my god. How do you think this movie's going to go with you being pregnant?

You: I'm honestly not sure. I'm still trying to find a way to get to Italy

Kristen: You can't fly?

You: No, by the time we fly back from New York I can't fly anymore

Kristen: What if you went right to Italy?

You: How would I get back? It's way too far to drive

Kristen: That's true. We'll figure something out

You: Yeah, I'm coming back here and Tom's going to Italy

Kristen: You're making him leave again?

You: I have to. He has to be in Italy for filming. It's not just his movie this time

Tom: Ready to go shortie?

You: Yeah, let's go

Kristen: Bye you two. Have fun

You: Thanks, and don't let the boy's trash anything

Harrison: We won't trash anything

'You give them both a hug and head out to the car. You get through the airport with no issues and you're on your way to New York'

Tom: Hey

You: Hi

Tom: How are you? I haven't asked in a while

You: I'm okay. A little nervous about being in charge while pregnant, but I'll get through it

Tom: Is John going to be there?

You: For the first two weeks, then I'm on my own

Tom: You're going to do great, I know it

You: Thank you. So, how are you?

Tom: Really excited for this movie, and to meet Ryker and Haylee

You: Me too, but we have to buy boy stuff since we have a ton of girl's stuff

Tom: We can do that when we get back. Also, my parents said we could move into the beach house

You: Really?!

Tom: Yeah, their words were if we want it, we can have it

You: That's amazing. Do we want the twins to share the nursery or give them their own?

Tom: How about they share till you and I can handle them

You: That works for me. Plus, we need to leave room for your brothers when they come

Tom: They can share

You: Well, we could add onto the house

Tom: You want to make it bigger?

You: Yeah, then we'll have a ton of space!

Tom: Alright, I'm in!

'You land in New York and head to your apartment'

Tom: You okay to go in?

You: Yeah, I know they aren't there and you're here with me

Tom: Alright, let's do it then

'You walk inside and set everything down. You head to bed because the twins have been keeping you up all night'

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