Part 32

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'You end up at the park where you had your first date with Tom'

Tom: y/n?

You: What?

Tom: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen

You: But it did, and now everything's out in the open

Tom: That's my fault...

You: Yes, it is, Tom

Tom: But you didn't tell me the truth! You kept a secret

You: Wouldn't you Tom? If it was your fault that I got stabbed, you know for a fact you wouldn't tell me

'You both sit in silence for a few minutes'

You: I'm going home, I'll see you there

'You head home without Tom and go right to bed'

You think: How could I be stupid enough to think my feelings would stay a secret. How have I let myself do this all over again?

'You hear the front door close and Tom comes in'

Tom: I'll leave you alone for tonight

'You say nothing and just roll away'

Tom: I'll be on the couch if anything happens...

'You don't sleep well and end up sitting on the balcony for hours. While you're out there, Tom comes up to grab his charger because he can't sleep either and notices you outside'

Tom: Hey y/ okay?

You: Just couldn't sleep...

Tom: I'm so sorry for everything I did

You: It's not your fault. I should've told you how I felt

Tom: Yes, you should've. So, why didn't you?

You: I didn't want you to tell me differently

Tom: You know I'm going to tell you differently

You: I don't know why you would. Even you should know it's my fault we're even here

Tom: I think it's both of our faults we're here. I think we should move wherever you want

You: I think we should start making decisions as one instead of individuals

Tom: Okay, so let's start now. Where's the best place we should live?

You: I think we should look for something in New York

Tom: Okay, but why?

You: Well Marvel is mainly in New York and if we have to go to LA it's not that far of a plane ride

Tom: That's a fair point. So, we can look while we eat lunch

You: Yeah, that works for me

Tom: Why don't you go get some more sleep, I'll head back to the couch

'You get up and go back to bed, but before Tom leaves you stop him'

You: Tom...Can you please stay? I can't sleep without you

Tom: Of course, I'll stay. I'll do anything for you y/n

'Tom crawls next to you, you snuggle up to him, and you begin to cry on his chest'

Tom: Are you okay? What's happening?

You: I don't know what's happening. I'm supposed to be happy. We're getting married, I got a new job, my family isn't around, and I got a new family by my side

Tom: Maybe you're just overwhelmed by everything. I know I am

You: I guess. I've never felt like this before. Why are you?

Tom: I've been trying to keep you distracted so your anxiety wouldn't spike again

You: I already told you my anxiety is fine when I'm around you. It only spikes around my parents and Jacob

Tom: Oh, I didn't know it was just them

You: Tom, have you ever thought maybe you have a little anxiety at times?

Tom: Yeah, all the damn time. It started to become more frequent when I came home from the hospital with you

'You look up at Tom'

You: And you yelled at me for keeping a secret

Tom: I've been trying to keep you distracted that I haven't paid attention to myself

You: Tom...seriously?

Tom: Yeah, I didn't notice it until Harrison and I talked today

You: Well, I guess I can't be mad at you then...

Tom: I'm also going to talk to someone. I don't want you to worry about me

You: Okay, I'll bring you whenever you go, so we can always do lunch or dinner

Tom: That works for me, you're directly involved

'You and Tom fall back to sleep. You sleep through breakfast and lunch. You woke up to Tom getting ready'

You: Did I miss something?

Tom: No, but I have to go out for like an hour, Harrison and Kristen are coming over though

You: Where are you going?

Tom: It's a surprise darling. This will be a good thing, I promise

You: Tom?

Tom: I don't want to spoil it before I even get there, you know I'm bad at secrets

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