Part 144

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You: Spidey, can we head home?

Tom: Of course, we can

Robert: Bye you two

You: Bye Robert, thank you for your help

Robert: Anytime

'You head home with Tom and go to lay down'

You: Can you come with me?

Tom: Yeah, I'll come with you

'You lay down and Tom wraps you in a hug. You're asleep almost instantly and Tom gets a call but sends it to voicemail'

It said: I need you to meet me at Rickey's Bakery tomorrow or you know what I can do. I don't want anyone to get hurt, but y/n's the first one...

Tom: Hey, let's go out for dinner

You: Okay, you pick the place

Tom: Alright, I'll be right back

'When he leaves, you see Tom's phone blowing up with text messages'

You: Spidey?

Tom: Yeah?

You: Who's Sophie?

Tom: A girl I dated like 4 years ago, why?

You: She's texted and called you like a hundred times

Tom: She's crazy, I'll talk to her again

'Then a message came in that said...'

Sophie: y/n is the first one to go

'You drop the phone and scream'

Tom: What?!

You: Read your phone!

Tom: Shortie, she's not going to get to you

You: Promise?

Tom: Yes. I will be here to protect the three of you

You: Does she know?

Tom: No, I told her it wasn't possible

You: Did she believe you?

Tom: I don't know, I hope so

You: This place has horrible luck

Tom: Yeah, I know. I'm so sorry

You: It's not your fault. Let's just go to dinner

Tom: You really want to go?

You: Yes, I'm starving! Apparently, my sandwich at lunch wasn't enough

Tom: Alright, let's go

'You head off to the restaurant and Paddy calls'

Paddy: Hi y/n!

You: Hey Padster. What's up?

Paddy: When do you come home?

You: Next week on Friday, why?

Paddy: I couldn't remember, and I miss you

You: I miss you too. I'll see you soon bud

'He hangs up and you and Tom sit down'

Tom: He okay?

You: Yeah, he misses us

Tom: Well, you have to be back for Saturday

You: Yeah, then we'll stay there for another month

Tom: Where's filming?

You: It starts here, then we're going to Italy

Tom: Really?

You: Yeah, this movie's all over the world

Tom: That's awesome

You: And at the 7-month mark, I'm stuck in the house

Tom: Is that when you can't travel?

You: Yeah, if I can drive it will but I'll probably be on a screen

Tom: That's okay though. You'll still do an amazing job. Maybe better than last time

You: It better be or I got promoted for nothing

Tom: You were promoted because you earned it

You: I know, I just feel like this has to be better

Tom: It will be so much better

You: Thank you, Tom

'You finish dinner and head home. You can't wait to go back to London away from this apartment'

Tom's POV

'His phone rings and he steps outside'

Tom: What do you want?

Sophie: We've been over this

Tom: I'm not divorcing y/n for you. I love her more than I ever loved you

Sophie: Are you going to make me do it myself?

Tom: You aren't doing anything. I haven't spoken to you in 3 years. What do you really want?

Sophie: I've always wanted more

Tom: You're not getting it from me. I'm not going to that bakery either, my wife and I have to go to work. Unlike you, we need to pay the bills

'He hangs up and comes back to you, making sure to hold you tight'

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