Part 47

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'A few hours later you wake up and everyone is standing around you'

You: What happened? Why are you all staring at me?

Tom: Are you feeling okay?

You: I'm a little hungry, why?

Kristen: Do you know what happened before this?

You: I was outside, my dad showed up, I took his knife threw it in the ocean, and walked inside with Tom

Tom: So, you don't remember passing out?

You: I passed out!?

Kristen: Yeah, dude

You: And we don't know why

Tom: No

Harrison: I think you stressed yourself out

You: Maybe, but I don't remember

Kristen: Well, I'm going to get some sleep. Come on Harrison

Harrison: Night guys

Tom: Shortie, you're making me nervous

You: I'm making myself nervous

Tom: Are we going to be okay for the wedding?

You: I hope so, but I keep thinking one thing and the exact opposite happens

Tom: So, what are we going to do?

You: We're going to have a good time

Tom: Can you please get some sleep now?

You: I guess

'You head to bed, but you can't fall asleep. You don't want to get up because you know Tom will wake up. You eventually do get up.'

Tom: Hey, you said you would try to sleep

You: I'm just grabbing some water

Tom: I'll come too

You: You don't have to

Tom: I want some water

You: Okay fine

'You both grab some water and sit on the couch. You lay your head on Tom's shoulder and he grabs your hand'

You: I'm sorry

Tom: It's okay

You: No, it's not. I've been a horrible fiancé

Tom: We aren't perfect, and that's okay for me

You: You don't deserve this Tom

Tom: What are you talking about?

You: You don't deserve a broken person

Tom: We are all broken in our own way

You: But no one is like me Tom

Tom: Everyone's different y/n

You: Can I ask you something? And answer me honestly

Tom: Of course, I'm always honest with you

You: Why me?

Tom: What?

You: Why, out of everyone you've met, did you choose me?

Tom: Because you're amazing. You have a smile that lights up a room. You have so much love in you, you don't know what to do with it. You are the strongest fighter I know, and I've never seen anything bother you other than your parents

You: So, out of everyone in the world, that's why you chose me?

Tom: Yes. In my eyes, you're perfect

You: I'm far from perfect...

Tom: ...Not to me

'You and Tom fall asleep on the couch'

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