Part 128

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Kristen: Mrs. Holland!

Mrs. Holland: Hi girls. How was it today?

You: It was great. Tom and I went for breakfast

Kristen: Harrison and I did lunch

Mrs. Holland: They're so sweet

You: They really are. I'm going to wake up Tom, I'll be back

'You go upstairs to Sam's room and walk-in'

Sam: Hey

You: Hi, umm, your mom's home, so we might want to put this aside for a while

Sam: Fine by me

You: Oh, and Tom act sleepy when you go downstairs

Tom: Why?

You: I told your mom I was waking you up from a nap

Tom: Got it

'You head back down to the kitchen'

You: Let me tell you, that boy can sleep

Mrs. Holland: It's one of his many talents

Sam: Hey mom

Mrs. Holland: Hey bud. How's your day?

Sam: Pretty good. I did a bunch of homework

Mrs. Holland: Did Harry?

Sam: Not sure, but I want to say yes

Harry: Hi mom, how was work?

Mrs. Holland: It was work. Did you get homework done?

Harry: Yeah, Sam helped a little and by that, I mean he told me when it was due

Mrs. Holland: You two kill me

Harry: Then you shouldn't have had twins

Mrs. Holland: Yes, because I purposely planned that

'Tom hugs you from behind and puts his head on your shoulder'

Tom: So, what's for dinner?

Mrs. Holland: Not sure. You'll have to ask your father

You: Will he be home soon?

Mrs. Holland: He should be here in a few hours

You: Great!

Sam: Hey y/n, can you help me with my homework?

You: Of course, come on Tom

'The 3 of you walk upstairs and Sam starts to lose it again'

Tom: Hey, I need you to breathe

Sam: I can't do that. Is the room getting smaller?

You: No, it's not. You need to sit and think of something else

Sam: Why is this happening!?

'Just as he said that Mrs. Holland walks in'

Mrs. Holland: Sam?

Tom: Mom, you need to leave

Mrs. Holland: No, that's my son

Tom: And as another one of your children, I'm telling you, you need to leave

You: Mrs. Holland, he'll be okay. When he is, we'll explain

Mrs. Holland: Please take care of him

You: I will don't worry

'Tom walks her downstairs and you sit next to Sam'

You: Hey, I need you to breathe. If you don't, you're going to pass out

Sam: I'm trying

You: Do it with me.

Sam: Wow, that actually worked

You: It's what Kristen used to do for me

Sam: Thank you...

You: Of course, but you're going to have to tell your mom

Sam: But how?

You: Just tell her how you feel. Tell her what you told me when the whole Katie drama happened

Sam: What if she hates me?

You: She's your mother, she won't hate you

Sam: Okay, let's get this over with

'You walk downstairs with Sam and find Tom with Mrs. Holland'

Sam: Mom?

Mrs. Holland: Sam!

'She wraps him in a huge hug'

Sam: Mom, I really need to talk to you

Mrs. Holland: Okay, I'm listening

Sam: I think there's something wrong with me

Mrs. Holland: What?

Sam: I have this constant feeling of sadness that just doesn't go away. And every time I thought about telling you, I would get these panic attacks

Mrs. Holland: Sam...I'm so sorry

Sam: It's fine. I put all of my feelings aside when I'm around all of you, so no one knew. Only y/n did

Mrs. Holland: What?

Sam: She walked into my room the night of the Katie drama. I just kind of broke down because I couldn't keep it in anymore

Mrs. Holland: Why didn't y/n say anything?

You: He asked me to keep it to myself until he was ready to tell everyone

Sam: I'm so sorry mom

Mrs. Holland: Oh honey, don't be sorry. We all have our issues and our families to help us through it

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