Part 54

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You: Tonight, was even better than I was hoping

Tom: I'm so glad you enjoyed it

You: Are we going to play along tonight?

Tom: Oh, hell yeah, we are!

'You both laugh. As you get closer to the house Tom notices something'

Tom: Do you see that too?

You: Yeah, it looks like a person

Tom: Why are they in the middle of the road?

You: And why are they in front of your house?

Tom: I'll call my dad. You keep an eye on that

'Tom pulls over and calls his dad'

Mr. Holland: Hey Tom, what's up?

Tom: Can you look out the front window very discretely, please?

Mr. Holland: Sure, but can I ask why

Tom: y/n and I see what looks like a person

Mr. Holland: Oh yeah, I see it too. Let me get your mother

Mrs. Holland: Who is that?

Tom: Should I pull up to them?

Mr. and Mrs. Holland: NO!

You: Tom, what if it's my family?

Tom: Aren't they in jail?

Mr. Holland: At this point only Jacob is

Tom: Would've been nice to know that

Mr. Holland: Sorry

Tom: I want to go home, so we better come up with something and quickly

Mrs. Holland: I'll open the garage and put our bag of garbage in the bins to see what happens

You: Please be careful Mrs. Holland

'She opens the door and the figure turns towards the opening door'

Mr. Holland: Tom, carefully drive up to the house

'Tom starts to drive up to the house and the figure turns back to the car. Tom slams on the brakes and the figure starts to come closer'

You: something!

Tom: What do I do?

You: Hit them!

Tom: Fine by me

'Tom floors it'

Mr. Holland: Tom!

Tom: Too late, I'm not ruining my wedding night!

'Tom hits the figure, it's your dad'

You: How did I see this coming?

'Tom pulls into the driveway, you get out, and run inside with Mrs. Holland'

Mrs. Holland: Are you alright?

You: Yeah, I'm fine. Where's Tom?

Mr. Holland: I don't think he came in. Here

'He hands you his phone and starts to talk to Tom'

You: Tom, please come inside. You said you weren't ruining your wedding night. If you don't come inside that's what will happen

Tom: I can't let him win y/n

You: He's not winning...I am...

Tom: You sure?

You: Yes, he doesn't want me happy. So, with me being happy, he loses

Tom: Alright, I'll come inside

Mrs. Holland: Why don't you meet him at the door?

You: Yeah!

'You walk to the garage and Tom is there. You keep your eyes on your dad, and you see him put his hand up. You start running towards Tom and push him behind the car'

Tom: y/n? MOM! DAD! y/n needs help!

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