Part 79

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You: When my parents decided they hated me. My grandparents put me on their Vacation Club membership. They haven't used it, so I did

Harrison: This is awesome

You: There are 4 bedrooms, and a pull out in the living room. So, you Holland brothers have to fight for an actual bed, unless you want to share

Harry: We'll work something out

Mrs. Holland: y/n, since you planned this weekend, you and Tom should have the big room

You: Are you sure?

Mr. Holland: Absolutely!

You: Okay. I don't have official plans till tomorrow, so everyone can do whatever tonight

Sam: Why don't mom and dad have a date night, and us kids go to downtown Disney for dinner?

You: That sounds great!

Kristen: I'll make a reservation at that amazing Mexican restaurant for 8

You: Oh...yes!

'Everyone heads their separate ways to unwind. Sam, Harry, and Paddy head to the pool, Harrison and Kristen head to the pool bar with Mr. and Mrs. Holland. You stay back with Tom.'

You: Are we finally alone?

Tom: Yes! And I locked our door just in case!

You: Come here Spidey!

'Tom lays you flat again and he's on top'

You: You better bring you're a-game Spidey

Tom: I'm counting on it

'You finally get to finish your moment'

You: Can we go to the pool? You have to leave the room at some point

Tom: Yeah, we can do that

'You both change, and you quickly put on one of Tom's shirts'

Tom: I'm losing my shirts now too?

You: Sorry. I forgot one of my big shirts

Tom: I'm teasing you shortie. Let's go

'You head down and join Kristen and Harrison at the bar'

Kristen: You wore a baggy shirt to the pool?

Tom: Hey, don't make fun of my shirt!

You: It's okay. I'll take it off soon when we go in the water

Kristen: Fair enough

'You each have a couple of drinks because they are free for you. After those few drinks, you all decide to start swimming'

Harrison: Come on guys!

Tom: Hey, you don't have to if you don't want to. I'll totally understand

You: No, I should. I should stop being grossed out, I mean look at you and Kristen, you guys seriously don't care. So, why should I?

Tom: I'm so proud of you

'You take off his shirt and give him a kiss'

You: Let's go!

'You jump in making sure to splash Kristen'

Kristen: Hey!

You: I had to make sure you knew I was here

Kristen: You look amazing by the way. Your confidence is glowing

Harrison: Yeah, we're both really proud to call you a friend

You: Stop, you guys are going to make me cry

Tom: I'm proud to call you my wife

You: You're too cute

'You enjoy the next few hours together before you have to get ready for dinner'

You: Here's your shirt. I'm sorry I took it...

Tom: No, it's okay. What's mine is yours

'You grab his hands and head upstairs. Tom showers before you, so you just enjoy the view'

Tom: Hey, you can shower

You: Thank you

Tom's POV

Harry: Are you guys almost ready?

Tom: Dude, it's 6, the reservations are for 8

Harry: Oh, sorry...

Tom: It's fine. Don't worry about it

Sam: Has anyone recognized you yet?

Tom: I think that might change though when we go for dinner

Sam: Maybe, but we can handle it. And if Marvel knows you're here, there's definitely secret security following you around

Tom: That is true

Harry: Alright people, I'm starting to get hangry!

Your POV

'After your shower, you put on jeans and a cute top'

You: Tom!

Tom: What's up?

You: Can you hook the top, please?

Tom: Of course

'He hooks the top and turns you around. He gives you a kiss'

Tom: You look amazing

You: I tried to dress it up a bit for you

Tom: And thank you...

You: For what?

Tom: This trip. We haven't been here for 10 hours and I know it's going to be amazing. Whatever happens—

You: Will happen...

'You smile and give him another kiss'

You: Let me do my hair and we can go

Tom: Alright, I'll let everyone know

'You finish your hair and head out for dinner. Luckily only a couple of people recognized Tom, but you have a feeling tomorrow will be much harder'

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