Part 121

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'It's been a week of work and you finally finish. You're packing up a lot of your apartment to take to London with you'

You: Don't you dare forget any hoodies

Tom: Don't think I could

You: Good, and don't forget anything else

Tom: Why not?

You: Then it takes away our time in London. I want a long break from here

Tom: We'll get some, don't worry

Kristen: Hey, do you guys want to go out tonight?

Harrison: It's our last night in New York

Tom: I'm in

You: Sounds like fun!

'You all get ready and walk to a club a few blocks away'

You: Holy crap! This place is huge

Kristen: This is the place I told you about a few months ago

You: Damn

Tom: I'm getting drinks. Does everyone want one?

'Everyone nods and Tom leaves. He comes back with drinks'

You: Let's get this party started!

'You end up only have a little along with Haz. You keep your eye on Tom and see him like 7 or 8 drinks deep'

You: Hey Spidey, I think you've had enough

Tom: Alright Shortie

'He goes back to dancing'

Harrison: Hey, I'm going to bring Kristen home

You: Okay

Harrison: I'll come back with the car when you're ready

You: Great, thank you. Be safe, please

Harrison: Always

'They leave and you can see a girl getting really close to Tom, so you walk over'

You: Hi Tom, I think we should head back soon

Tom: Okay, whenever you want

Girl: Who are you to stand in my way?

You: Well, how about this...I'm his wife

Girl: There's no way, you're aren't pretty enough

You: He didn't marry me for my looks

Girl: He deserves to be with someone like me

You: It's killing you that you're being told no

Girl: It's what he deserves

You: Maybe, but it's not what you deserve. No one should speak like that to another person

'You grab Tom's hand and start to walk out'

Girl: I don't care what you think. He deserves someone who will lift him up, not tear him apart

'You ignore her and call Harrison. You wait outside and get in the car when he gets there. You help Tom to bed, and you go back downstairs.'

You: Thank you for picking us up

Harrison: Of course. I'm good like that

You: Can always rely on you, can't I?

Harrison: You can. So, what happened?

You: What?

Harrison: I can see it on your face, something happened

You: This girl was telling me how Tom doesn't deserve me, and that I'm not pretty enough to be his wife

Harrison: You don't believe that, do you?

You: I always knew Tom deserved better than me. He shouldn't have such a broken person

Harrison: You know he says he doesn't deserve you all the time

You: Really?

Harrison: Yeah, he thinks you're perfect

You: Maybe I'm not crazy then

Harrison: I mean you're both crazy, but you're also perfect for each other at the same time

You: Thank you, Harrison. I really needed to hear that

Harrison: You're welcome. I'm heading to bed, see you in the morning

You: Goodnight Harrison

'You head to bed too. Tom is passed out, so you just lay next to him'

Tom: Shortie?

You: Hmm

Tom: Where's the Advil?

You: I packed it up. I'll get some for you

Tom: Thanks. I'm going to make some coffee

You: Okay, I'll be down in a minute

Tom's POV

Harrison: Morning. How are you feeling?

Tom: I have a pounding headache and in dire need of coffee

Harrison: Well, here's the coffee, but I don't have Advil

Tom: That's okay, y/n's getting me some

Harrison: She really loves you. Do you know that?

Tom: I do, I got really lucky

Harrison: You should've heard her last night

Tom: What?

Harrison: Just ask her on the plane, she'll tell you everything

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