Part 60

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You: Can we please go home?

Tom: Yeah, we can talk there right?

You: Yes, I've got good news and bad news

Tom: Oh, well I'll take the good first. Whenever you're ready

You: Can we get some lunch first?

Tom: Yeah, let's go to your favorite place

'You and Tom get lunch and you can't wait to tell him you'll be going back with him, but you're nervous about your other news'

Tom: Ready to go?

You: Yeah, let's go

'Tom drives you home, and goes to help you out again'

You: Spidey, I don't need your help anymore

Tom: As far as I know, you do

You: Fine. Then help me up to your room

'Tom turns around and bends down'

Tom: Get on my back and I'll carry you

You: I won't say no to that!

'You jump onto his back and he brings you upstairs. He drops you on the bed and lays next to you'

You: Are you ready for the news?

Tom: Yes. Can I have the good news first, please?

You: Sure. I was cleared to walk by myself without any help or crutches

Tom: That's amazing!

You: I'm not done

Tom: There's more?!

You: I'm flying back to New York with you!

Tom: Really?!

You: Yeah!

'Tom grabs you in a big hug and you can see his giant smile'

You: Are you ready for the bad news?

Tom: I guess I should've gone for bad first

You: You chose the good. But are you ready? It's a little rough

Tom: Of course, I'm ready

You: Okay, so I can't physically have children anymore

Tom: What?

'You can see the tears in Tom's eyes'

You: Where the bullet hit me, it damaged all my reproductive organs. I'm fine, but now they can't create a child. Even if one is created, it won't survive

Tom: I'm so sorry shortie

You: Really Tom, it's okay. There's plenty of kids in the world who need homes

Tom: You're right. I just wanted to raise my own

You: We still can. We would have to use a surrogate to carry our baby. I still have the eggs. I just have an inhospitable environment for the egg to turn into a baby

Tom: That's okay. I still love you

You: I love you too

'You grab onto Tom a little tighter and start to cry on Tom's chest'

Tom: Hey, are you okay?

You: I thought this would be easier to accept

Tom: It's okay. We'll find a way

You: But I wanted my own, I wanted to say I carried my child, but my family ruined that too

'You start to cry harder and someone knocks. Tom wipes your tears'

Tom: Come in

Harrison: How'd it go?

Kristen: Is everything okay?

You: ...yup. Everything's just fantastic

'You get up and walk past them'

Kristen: Did you not get good news?

You: No, she did, but the bad news is what's bothering her

Harrison: Well, what's the bad news?

Tom: I think y/n should tell you. It's something she should say, not me

Kristen: That's fine, but can she go with you to New York?

Tom: Yes. We'll be leaving tomorrow night

Harrison: Well that's good news. We'll miss having you guys around

Tom: Then come visit us. I'm going to go find y/n

Kristen: Want to go to dinner later? Just the 4 of us?

Tom: I'd love to. Let me ask y/n

Kristen: No rush

'Tom finds you sitting just outside the door'

You: I would love to go to dinner with them

Tom: She said yes!

You: And thank you for not telling them

Tom: It's not my news to tell. You can tell when you're ready

You: Is it okay if I'm never ready?

Tom: Absolutely shortie!

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