Part 152

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The twins should come any day now. You're 3 days away from your due date, so you're ready at all times to run out the door

Tom: How are my wife and kids today?

You: She's tired and the kids are fine

Tom: Still no sleep?

You: Not much, no

Tom: Well, we might have to get used to that

You: Yeah, I just want them out. I'm shocked my body has lasted this long

Tom: At least it's made it this far shortie

You: True

Just then Kristen rushes in

Kristen: Y/N!

You: What?

Kristen: Look!

She hands you a pregnancy test

You: He finally did it! You're going to be a mom!

Tom: Congratulations Kristen!

You: What did Harrison say?

Kristen: I don't know how to tell him. I don't want him to freak out or run away

You: Tom and I will help you come up with something

You all go to the store to put together the surprise

Kristen: Do you think he'll run?

You: No, if you're pregnant now that baby won't be here for another 7 to 8 months at least

Tom: That's enough time for him to practice with the twins since they should be coming any day now

Kristen: What would I do without you guys?

You: I think it's what would we do without you

You give her a hug and head home


Tom: The whole

He comes running down

Harrison: What did I do?

You: Kristen has something to tell you...

Tom: And you'll like this one mate

Harrison goes over to Kristen

Harrison: What's wrong? You look like you've been crying

Kristen: Here...please don't hate me...

He opens the box and has a smile from ear to ear

Harrison: Are you serious?! I actually did it?!

Kristen: ...Yeah

Harrison: I can't wait to meet them!

Kristen: Seriously? You're not upset?

Harrison: My wife is carrying my child. Please tell me how I'm supposed to be upset

Kristen: I was so worried you were going to leave me

Harrison: Nothing could make me leave Kristen

He wraps her in the biggest hug

Tom: Told you he would be happy

You: And there's plenty of time for practice

Harrison: I don't need it. I have all of you, and I'm going to be the best dad I can be. You guys helped me see that

You: Glad you finally got there

You all laugh, and you feel a sharp pain

You: Tom...

Tom: What?

You: We need to go

Tom: Uh...

You: I think my body's giving up...

Tom: Okay, time to go! Kristen help her to the car, Harrison start the car, and I'll be there soon

You all head to the hospital and they put you in your own room. Tom calls his parents while you wait for Dr. Craig

Kristen: Just breathe. I know it hurts just keep holding my hand and focus on it

You: My body's giving up, where is she?

Tom comes back with Dr. Craig

Dr. Craig: You ready to meet your children?

You: Yes

Dr. Craig: Then off we go

Harrison: Wait, go where?

Kristen: She needs a c-section. Her body can't handle the pushing

Harrison: Please be careful with our godchildren

Dr. Craig: Don't worry. All 3 will be just fine

They wheel you into surgery and start numbing your lower half. Tom's holding your hand the whole time. After two hours Ryker and Haylee were born and you're back in your room with them

Harrison: y/n, they are beautiful. Haylee has Tom's eyes

You: That's what I was hoping for

Tom: But Ryker has yours, and that's better

Kristen: How are you going to tell everyone?

You: I think I'm just going to say meet your niece and your nephew

Tom: Or since they can't come here, surprise them at home

You: Just like Monica and Chandler!

Tom: Exactly like that!

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