Part 112

152 5 2

'Today is the day of the premier'

Tom: Shortie, you have to get up

You: I don't want to, I'm tired...

Tom: We have to get ready to see my movie!

You: You go first, I take longer than you

Tom: No, no I'm not falling for that again

'He grabs your hands and pulls you out of bed. He gives you a kiss and sends you off'

Tom: I'll be downstairs

You: Fine

Tom's POV

Tom: Morning!

Kristen: Is someone excited?

Tom: I've waited 3 months for this day

Harrison: That's a yes Kristen

Kristen: Oh, why didn't you say yes?

Tom: Because I'm Tom

Harrison: Where's y/n?

Tom: Hopefully getting ready, but she might be sleeping

Kristen: Typical y/n. I'll go see

Tom: Thanks!

'Kristen heads up to you, and you had gone back to sleep. This isn't like you, but you thought nothing of it'

Your POV

Kristen: Hey, come on. Get up

You: I am up

Kristen: No, you're buried under the blankets

You: It's warm...

Kristen: Are you okay? You never act like this

You: I'm fine, just tired...

Kristen: I know, but you have to get up. We leave in a few hours

You: Noo!

'Kristen pulls you out of bed and down the stairs'

Kristen: Tom! Help, please

Tom: Coming

Kristen: Thanks

Tom: You're finally awake

You: I don't want to be

Tom: Why not?

You: I'm tired

Tom: You're lying

You: No, I'm not

Tom: I've known you for almost a year. I know you're lying

Kristen: We'll leave you to it. Come on Harrison

'Kristen and Harrison leave. Tom just looks at you'

Tom: Are you going to tell me?

You: I'm not lying to you

Tom: Oh, so you're just breaking our promise

You: Spidey—

Tom: It's fine, don't worry. I'm not crushed. I just want to help you

You: I'm okay...

'Tom can tell you're lying because you can't look him in the eyes'

Tom: Oh, really?

You: Yes

Tom: Then say that to my eyes. Yeah...I noticed

You: Fine, you win. Happy?

Tom: Very, but what's going on?

You: I've never been to an event this big before

Tom: So?

You: So, I don't want to make myself look like a fool

Tom: You could never, and besides we'll be together the whole time

You: Promise?

Tom: I promise. Now, please go get ready and no more sleeping!

You: Okay Spidey

'You start to get ready when Tom runs in'

You: Yes Tom?

Tom: I forgot to give you a kiss!

You: You're so dramatic Spidey

Tom: I'm an actor shortie, it's my thing

You: When are you getting ready?

Tom: Right now, we leave in like an hour or two

You: Okay stop distracting me! I won't have enough time!

Tom: Okay, okay. I'll be back later

'You finish getting ready and slip into your dress. Tom comes in and stands there with his mouth open, speechless'

You: What do you think?

Tom: You look absolutely stunning

You: Thank you, Spidey

Tom: Why do you seem taller?

You: Do the 5-inch heels help answer your question?

Tom: Yes, but now you're the same height as me

You: I know, I planned it that way

Tom: Why? This is the one thing I'm better at

You: So, it's easier to kiss you

Tom: Are you ready for that?

You: Well, what better place to officially announce it

Tom: I think people know though

You: Some do, but I've also seen articles that just suspect something

Tom: Throwing marriage at them—

You: Will be freaking hysterical!

'You and Tom head down and out to the car. You get to the premier and see hundreds of camera's and people'

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