Part 46

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You: Who's there? I'm not afraid of you

YD: Well I'd hope so

You: What are you doing here?

YD: I've been waiting for you to be alone

You: How do you keep getting out?

YD: It pays to know people

You: Why do you want me alone?

YD: So, your annoying friends can't stop me

You: Stop you from what?

YD: Doing this

'He comes closer and you see the knife. You know you can't stop it, but you try, and you yell for Tom in the process'


YD: He can't help you

You: He's just my back-up. I'm not afraid of you

'He comes lunging at you and you swerve around, and manage to grab the knife from his hand'

You: Told you I'm not afraid

YD: But how did you—

You: What? Are you surprised I can hold my own?

YD: Yes. All your friends have stood in front of you

You: Doesn't mean I can't fight

'You walk up to your dad'

You: And you're not ruining my wedding

Tom: Can I help you, sir?

YD: Oh, Tom's here, fantastic

You: I called for him. He's my other half

Tom: If you have a problem, you can either say it or go home

'You slowly turn around and throw the knife as far as you can into the water'

You: If you'll excuse me, I'm leaving

'As you walk by Tom, you grab his hand and drag him inside'

You: Let's go, Tom, he's a waste of our time

'You bring Tom up to your room and leave him there'

Tom: Where are you going?

You: I'm going to keep watch

Tom: You need to sleep

You: I'll sleep tomorrow in the car

Tom: No, y/n, you're sleeping now

You: You don't understand Tom!

Tom: Then help me understand

You: I can't let anything happen to you again!

Tom: Why do you keep saying that? Nothing is going to happen

You: You don't know that!

Harrison: Hey, is everything okay down here?

Tom: It's fine

Kristen: y/n? You don't look too good

Tom: Wait, you don't. Are you feeling okay?

Harrison: You're super pale

You: I'm fi—

'Before you finish you pass out. Tom catches you before you hit the floor'

Kristen: What the hell?

Harrison: Could this be her dad?

Tom: Yeah...

Harrison: I wasn't serious

Kristen: Harrison

Harrison: I'm sorry

Tom: She was out there a while before she called me

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