Part 134

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Announcer: Let me introduce for the very first time Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Osterfield!

'Everyone cheers and watch their first dance together. Both you and Tom had to give speeches before dinner. Tom went first then you did'

Tom: Hey! For everyone who doesn't know me, I'm Tom. I've known Harrison for as long as I could remember. They told me a few things to avoid, so I'm going to try my best here. Harrison is an amazing friend. He's done so many wonderful things for me it's hard to name them all...hey y/n I can't read what you wrote! Anyway, I hope you two find joy from each other and a lifetime of happiness. To the newlyweds!

'When Tom finishes it's your turn'

You: Hi everyone, I'm y/n, the best friend of this beauty right here. Kristen and I have been through a lot together and I mean a lot. There was a point where I didn't think I'd be standing here, but I'm so glad that I am. Kristen has helped me become who I am today. Without her, I would not be half the person I am today. I'm really happy that she found someone who is just as weird and crazy as she is. I love you both and wish you nothing but the best. To Harrison and Kristen!

'You sit back down and start to eat dinner'

Kristen: I liked your speech better

You: Don't be mad, but I googled some of it

Kristen: I don't care, it was still nice

You: I try

Kristen: Oh, and I have something for you for later

You: Now you're getting your hopes up

Kristen: Yes, I am. This could be a great miracle

You: Fine, but drop it for now and I won't drink

Kristen: Thank you!

Tom: She's overly excited

You: It's her wedding Spidey

Tom: You weren't that excited

You: Yes, I was, I just kept some inside

Tom: Would you like to dance with me y/n?

You: I would love to Thomas

'You and Tom go off to dance. You put your hands around his neck, his hands are on your waist, and your foreheads are together'

Tom: I love you shortie

You: I love you more Spidey

Tom: Not possible

'You keep dancing till the song is over'

Tom: Can I get you a drink?

You: Just water, please

Tom: You sure?

You: Yeah, thank you

'You go to the table to take off your shoes'

Tom: Here ya go

You: Thank you

Tom: Why didn't you want a drink?

You: Well...

Tom: You're not?

You: I don't know. I know I can't be, but I've been waking up really nauseous in the morning

Tom: Why didn't you tell me?

You: I thought I was eating too much before bed

Tom: So, when are you going to find out?

You: At home after the party

Tom: Okay shortie

You: Please don't drink too much tonight. I don't want drunk duty alone

Tom: I won't, I promise. Now let's dance!

'You go start dancing and Kristen joins you'

You: I'm having a great time!

Kristen: Me too! I can't wait to take all this off though. It's so pretty but so uncomfortable

You: There's another dress I brought for you, come on

'You bring Kirsten to a back room to change'

You: Better?

Kristen: Much. You were ahead of the game

You: Well, I changed at mine, so I figured you would want to as well

Kristen: Thank you for tonight. This is better than anything I was expecting

You: It was my job after all

'You laugh and head back out. The reception was amazing, and you all had an amazing time. You bring Tom's brothers home and Tom brings Kristen and Harrison home'

Paddy: Goodnight y/n

You: Night Padster

'Kristen comes running in'

Kristen: Here!

You: Okay, guys look, please don't get your hopes up

Kristen: Come on, if you are, we'll go to the doctor. If you're not, then that's okay too

Tom: Whatever happens, I'll always be here

You: Alright. I'll be back. Give me like 5-10 minutes

'You head into the bathroom and do your thing. You come out of the bathroom with your eyes wide'

Tom: Well...what does it say!?

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