Part 123

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Tom: Mom! We're here!

Mrs. Holland: Hi! Welcome back!

Sam: Where's y/n?

Paddy: Did you leave her in New York?!

Harry: Tom!

Tom: Relax...

You: I'm right here!

'They wrap you in a big hug'

You: Guys it's been a week

Sam: We were worried about you

You: Why would you worry about me?

Harry: Tom called me the first night in New York. He didn't know what to do or where you were

Sam: He called us to see if you had called us

Paddy: It was a rough phone call...

You: Spidey?

Tom: I didn't know what else to do. I had run all over the city and couldn't find you

You: I'm not mad, a little confused, but I'm not mad

Sam: I wish I had someone like you

You: We'll find you, someone

Harry: Just go to Comic-Con

Tom: That's low bro

You: That's not low

Harry: That's clever

Tom: Wow

You: What? Mad we used your own words against you

Tom: I mean...yeah

Paddy: Oh Tom, you're so sensitive

Mrs. Holland: How long are you here for?

You: A few months

Tom: We're going to the beach house too

Mrs. Holland: That sounds fun

You: It's a good break from all the chaos

Mrs. Holland: When do you go back to the chaos?

You: 4 months till we are back on set, but 2 months for me. I have to go through the script and the people they picked for new roles

Mrs. Holland: Is it a single movie?

You: Actually no, it's all of the hero's

Tom: What?! You didn't say that

You: Because you can't keep it a secret

Mrs. Holland: She's got you there

'You start to laugh and Tom pouts on the couch'

You: I'm sorry Spidey

Tom: It's okay, you're not wrong

Paddy: Tom?

Tom: What's up Paddy?

Paddy: Who's this?

Tom: Believe it or not, that's y/n

Paddy: Wow, you

You: Thank you, Paddy

Tom: Paddy, weren't you there?

Paddy: Yeah, but I guess I didn't fully look

You: That's okay bud. No worries

Sam: I'll see you guys later!

Tom: Where are you going?

Harry: On a date

Sam: Dude, really?

Tom: It's fine. Have fun

You: You look very nice by the way!

Sam: Thanks! Bye guys!

'Sam leaves and Harry joins you and Tom on the couch'

Tom: So, who's this girl?

Harry: Her name is Katie, they met in LA. She just got back today

You: Is she from London?

Harry: I think she's from New York, but I'm not sure

Tom: Is he happy with her?

Harry: As far as I know, but he doesn't say much about her

'The night goes on and after dinner, you all sit to watch a movie. Halfway through Sam comes through the door with Katie'

Sam: I'm back!

Tom: Hey! How was your—

'You put your hand over his mouth'

You: Dude, he brought her back

Tom: Oops, sorry

'As you walk to meet her, you recognize her and squeeze his hand'

Sam: Katie, these are my brothers Tom, Harry, and Paddy, and that's Tom's wife y/n

Katie: Hi, it's so nice to meet you all

Paddy: The pleasure is ours

'Everyone goes back to watching the movie, but you go upstairs to sit off the balcony'

Tom: Shortie? We have to finish the movie

You: I don't want to...

'Tom sits down next to you'

Tom: Are you okay?

You: You haven't put it together yet, have you?

Tom: Wha—ooh!

You: There you go. So, if you would like to finish the movie go ahead. I'll stay here

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