Part 68

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'You all enjoy dinner, and head back to your new place'

You: Are you guys ready?

Kristen: Yes, I can't wait!

'Tom opens the elevator door, and Kristen and Harrison run in'

Kristen: This is amazing!

Harrison: Which room is ours?

Tom: Down the end of that hallway. Everything that way is yours

Harrison: Come on Kristen!

'They run down the hall, and you hear the door close'

You: Well I know what they're doing

Tom: Someone should...

You: Excuse me?

Tom: What? I didn't say anything

You: Yes, you did

'Tom looks at you and smiles. You start to unpack your bag when Tom throws you over this shoulder'

Tom: You're coming with me shortie!

'He tosses you on the bed and you start to laugh'

Tom: Thank you for dinner

You: Of course, it was the last of my birthday gifts to you

'He smiles and starts kissing you'

You: didn't lock the door. I don't want them coming in here

Tom: Shit, you're right!

'Tom locks the door and comes back'

Tom: So, what's the plan tonight?

You: Hmm...maybe play along and fall asleep to a movie?

Tom: Works for me!

'You both start to take off your clothes. You hesitate to take off your pants though'

Tom: Hey...I'll do it...

You: You really want to see it?

Tom: I told you it doesn't bother me

'He gives you a kiss and takes off your pants. You have a great night, and fall asleep in one of Tom's hoodies snuggled upon him'

Tom: Hey shortie, you have to go get ready for work. I'll come too

You: You want to come to work 2 hours early?

Tom: Yeah, why not

You: Okay Spidey. I'm getting ready first, can you go make breakfast?

Tom: Sure

'You give him a kiss and go to get ready'

Tom's POV

Harrison: Hey, you're up early

Tom: Yeah, I'm going in early with y/n

Harrison: Okay, why?

Tom: She's my wife Harrison

Harrison: No, why do you want to?

Tom: Because I really want to trust her, but I don't want her to get hurt

Harrison: She's going to be fine. She made it to work just fine yesterday

Tom: Not the point

Harrison: Yes, it is mate

Tom: Why can't I just do something nice for my wife?

Harrison: You can, I'm not saying you can't. I'm saying you don't trust her on her own

Tom: And...?

Harrison: You're letting your fear of her family get the best of you

Tom: I'm not afraid of her family

Harrison: You aren't, but you're afraid of losing her, and her family would be the only ones to do it

Tom: Alright, I get it. Can you drop it, please?

Harrison: Fine

Your POV

You: Good morning Harrison

Harrison: Hey. Hope you have a good day at work

You: Thank you

Tom: Here's your breakfast. I'm going to get ready

You: Thanks Spidey

'He gives you a kiss and heads upstairs'

You: What are your plans today Harrison?

Harrison: I'm hoping to plan our wedding

You: Well, it will be fun whatever and whenever you choose

Harrison: Thanks y/n. So, how have you been?

You: I'm great, but I have to get going. We'll talk later, promise

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