Part 155

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Robert: Bye y/n!

You: Bye Robert! It was great seeing you!

Robert: I hope to see you again soon

You give him a hug and he leaves. Tom comes down with Ryker crying

Tom: Shortie, I've tried everything

You: Give him here. Can you wash my stuff?

Tom: Yeah

You: It's all in the sink

You go back upstairs and see Sam playing with Haylee, you've never seen him so happy. You continue to your room and sit on the balcony, rocking Ryker back and forth and humming to him

You: You, little man, are loved so much by every person in this house. Dad and I are going to love you and your sister so much that no one will be good enough for either of you

Sam: Hey

You: Hi Sam

Sam: Can I join you?

You: Of course, you can. Ryker just fell asleep

Sam: Can I talk to you about something?

You: You can talk to me about anything

Sam: Well, first I wanted to thank you

You: Thank me?

Sam: For helping me out of the pit of darkness

You: We all need some help sometimes

Sam: And I wanted to thank you for always being there

You: Well, as your sister, it's my job

Sam: I seriously don't know what I would do without you

You: You'd have to deal with your brothers

Sam: I don't think I'd be here...

You: What?

Sam: I had so many dark voices in my head telling me to do all of these horrible things. Every time I thought about telling anyone about them, I got a panic attack

You: Sam...

Sam: Until you came in that night. There was one voice that stood out from the rest

You: What did it say?

Sam: Tell her...

You: And I'm very glad you did

Sam: Me too, or I wouldn't have met Haylee

You: Or Ryker, but I know Haylee will be your favorite

Sam smiles at you and you get up to put Ryker in his crib

You: Oh, hi Spidey

Tom: Oh my god, thank god

You: What?

Tom: I thought something happened

You: Oh Spidey, all you needed to do was walk to our room

Tom: Sorry, I guess dad freak out mode came out

You: It's okay. It's cute how much you care

Tom: These are our children, of course, I care. I'd do anything for these guys

You: I know you would

Tom wraps you in a hug and Kristen comes in

Kristen: This is for you guys

You: I can't believe you're going to have your baby soon!

Kristen: I'm excited, but I'm also nervous

You: Don't be, it's easy

Kristen: I'm not having a c-section

You: Oh, then I don't know what it's like

You all laugh and Kristen leaves

Tom: So, boy or girl? I'm thinking girl

You: Then I'm thinking boy

You open the envelope and start dancing

Tom: It's a boy, isn't it?

You: Yeah!

Tom: Now Ryker can have a best friend

You: And Haylee can have a husband

Tom: Shortie, she's like 2 months old

You: So? This boy's not even born yet

Tom: Good lord, you kill me

You: But you love me

Tom: Yes, I do, very much

You: Thank god for Comic-Con, right?

Tom: Yeah, or I wouldn't be this happy

You give him a kiss and just give him a hug

You: Everything we've been through, has given us two of the most beautiful healthy children

Tom: And I wouldn't change a single thing that's happened

You: Nothing?

Tom: Nope, I'm happy how it all turned out, even with all of the drama

You stand there with your arms around Tom admiring your two miracles in front of you

You: I love you Spidey

Tom: And I love you more Shortie

You: I don't think that's possible

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