Part 14

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'You wake up the next morning before Tom and head out to your balcony. A few minutes later you feel someone grab your waist...'

Tom: Good morning shortie!

You: Morning Spidey

Tom: How ya feeling?

You: I'm okay, still a little stressed but I'll be alright

'You hear your phone ring, and Tom answers it on speaker'

Tom: Oh hi Mrs. y/l/n! How are you

You: Spidey please stop!

YM: I'm alright, but who is this?

You: Tom!

Tom: My name is Tom, I'm a good friend of Y/n's

YM: Oh, that's sweet. I wanted to let y/n know, her father and I are flying out for a visit!

You: WHAT!?

Tom: That sounds great! We can pick you up!

YM: That's great, thank you. I'll see you guys then!

'Tom hangs up the phone and looks at you'

Tom: What?

You: Now I have to tell them, don't I?

'A few days later you and Tom head to the airport to get your parents. While waiting for them you worry, they brought Jacob too'

Tom: Hey are you okay?

You: What if they brought Jacob?

'Tom hugs you tight and kisses your forehead'

Tom: I'll protect you shortie, I promise

You: Thank you, Spidey

'You finally spot your parents and you all get in the car'

YM: So, y/n, how's things

You: They're fine, you know normal life stuff

YD: Life stuff?

You: Yeah dad, life stuff

YD: So, does Tom live nearby that you guys got so close?

'Tom looks over at you while you're hiding your ring and looking away from him'

You: Yeah, he lives really close

'He whispers to you'

Tom: What's happening right now?

You: I thought I was ready to tell them but I'm doubting myself now

'You look at him with tears forming and you begin to clench your palms, opening the scabs from last time. Tom grabs your hands to try to get you to stop'

Tom: Hey, we're here! You guys head up and y/n and I will park the car!

YM: Great, thank you so much, Tom!

'Your parents get out and your stress only gets worse. You're sitting in the car having a complete anxiety attack'

Tom: Hey what's happening? Are you okay?

You: Give me a minute please Tom

'Tom parks the car and gets out giving you some space'

You: Tom! Tom, where are you?!

Tom: I'm right here, right here

'You start crying and Tom wraps you in a hug'

You: I thought you left me

Tom: No, I'd never leave you. Now come on, you have to unclench your hands

'Tom grabs your hands and pulls you out of the car'

You: I'm sorry

Tom: For what shortie?

You: For hiding the ring, not telling my parents, and now this

Tom: Shortie, don't be sorry, it's alright. I promise

'You and Tom head upstairs to your place'

Tom: Sorry, we couldn't find a good spot

YM: No worries, we were just enjoying the view

YD: Hey y/n, honey are you okay?

You: Uhh yeah, just a little tired. Didn't sleep well last night

YD: Well why don't you stay here. Your mother and I want to go to our favorite café downtown

Tom: Well, I'll stay and admire that view. It's beautiful!

You: Have fun, you guys

'You go to lay down and you hear your parents talking to Tom'

YD: So, what's up with you two?

YM: Honey be nice

'You hope he doesn't say anything'

Tom: We're just really close friend's sir

YM: May I ask about your ring though? Are you married?

Tom: Oh no! It was my grandfather's ring. I promised him before he passed, I would always wear it, and it just fits this finger perfectly

'You breathe a sigh of relief when you hear'

YD: If you ever wanted to date my daughter, it would be okay

Tom: Wow, thank you, sir!

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