Part 52

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'You wake up sweating and don't see Tom'

You: Spidey? Tom?

Tom: Hey, you're finally up!

You: Yeah...someone's excited

Tom: I can't wait for tonight!

You: You are talking about the wedding, right?

Tom: Yes, and the stuff after too

'He gives you a wink and kiss before he leaves'

Tom: I have to go, so I don't see your dress

You: Alright, I'll see you later Spidey

'Tom leaves and you head downstairs'

Mrs. Holland: It's the big day!

Kristen: I can't believe your day is here

You: I'm so excited!

Mrs. Holland: Well let's get going to the salon

'You get into the car and drive to the salon. When you get inside you pull up the pictures of everyone's hair and makeup they chose. When you finish at the salon, you head back home to get dressed'

Mrs. Holland: Alright, I'll get your dress on

Kristen: I can help

Mrs. Holland: Are you sure?

Kristen: Yes, I'll be okay. I'll need help with mine

You: We can do that

'They help you with your dress and you almost cry. You're so happy today is the big day, and that you get to marry Tom'

Mrs. Holland: You look stunning

You: For the first time, I feel stunning

Kristen: You've always been stunning

You: Maybe, but now I'm owning it

Mrs. Holland: I'm so happy for you

You: Thank you, Mrs. Holland

Mrs. Holland: Well, since we're basically going to have the same name, you can call me Nikki

You: Are you sure?

Mrs. Holland: Yes, absolutely

'You all finish getting dressed and head out to the limo you arranged to take you to the waterfall. You start to feel nervous because you don't want your family showing up'

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey boys!

Harrison: Are you excited!

Tom: Yeah, I'm a little nervous too

Sam: Why?

Tom: I don't want y/n's family to ruin a thing

Harry: You think they will?

Tom: I wouldn't put it past them

Harrison: I wouldn't either

Paddy: How's Kristen?

Harrison: She's okay, but you should ask her later

Paddy: Oh, I will

'The boys get ready and head to the waterfall. You and Tom promised not to see each other until you walk down the aisle'

Mrs. Holland: Ready?

You: I am

Kristen: You look stunning, even if Harrison doesn't think so

You: I don't care what he thinks, I only care what you and Tom think

Mrs. Holland: And he already thinks you're stunning

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