Part 101

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'You and Tom head to bed. The next morning, he drives you to work'

Tom: I'll see you later. Have a great day. Love you

You: Thanks. Love you more

'You walk in and get to work'

John: Alright guys. I would like to start with, we have accomplished so much this past month and a half. I'm also very pleased to say we are almost done!

You: Really?

Co-worker: That's amazing!

John: It is. When we finish, your job will be to watch the movie in its entirety. Just you, no one else. We are looking for mistakes or flaws, so the final one can be great

Co-worker: Let's get started then!

'You finish putting everything together and it's time to head home. Since Tom was late yesterday, he was extra early today'

You: Thanks for not being late

Tom: I can't do that two days in a row...what are you holding?

You: Oh, it's nothing

Tom: That's the movie, isn't it?

You: Yes, but your eyes are off-limits Spidey

Tom: But it's my movie...

You: I'm only following orders

Tom: Alright fine. I can wait a month

You: Yes, you can

'You get home and head inside'

Kristen: Hey, how was work?

You: Great actually. We finished piecing it together

Tom: And she won't share the movie

You: My eyes only for now

Harrison: When can we see?

You: The premier

Tom: Noo!!

You: Sorry Spidey

Harrison: This is so unfair

You: No, it's not. We pieced it together, that doesn't mean it's completely finished

Kristen: It's alright. We will all be good and wait

You: Thank you. I'll be right back. Spidey come on

'You bring Tom upstairs and hand him your phone'

Tom: Is this what you made me?

'You nod with a huge smile on your face'

Tom: This looks amazing!

You: So, press play, and I'll be back

'Tom watches the video you made him while you talk with Kristen'

Kristen: Where's Tom?

You: Watching something I made for him

Kristen: Ooo, how nice of you

You: I try. So, when are we shopping? Your big day is in a few months!

Kristen: I'm not sure. I have to figure out the budget first. I'm not as lucky as you were

You: I'm sorry, but maybe I can help with your dress

Kristen: What?

You: I didn't pay for mine and I have a steady, well-paying job

Kristen: I can't ask that

You: How about this, since you're going to have my baby, I'll pay for your dress. It's the least I can do

Kristen: I don't want you to struggle though. What if my perfect dress costs more than yours?

You: Then it costs more. I think you missed my point when I said well-paying job

Kristen: Thank you, y/n

You: I'd do anything for you. I'm heading up, see you tomorrow

'You head back up to Tom and he wraps you in the biggest hug with tears rolling down his cheeks'

Tom: Thank you so much

You: I take it you liked it

Tom: I loved it

You: More than Harry's project?

Tom: Way more

You: Good. Love you Spidey

Tom: Love you more shortie

You: Not possible

'You both climb into bed and start to watch a movie. You're both asleep before it finishes. You wake up to something from downstairs, but Tom's still asleep. So, you quietly go down to see what happened'

Harrison: y/n, what was that?

You: I don't know. I'm going to go look

Harrison: Where's Tom?

You: Asleep. Stay here, and I'll yell if I need help

Harrison: Alright

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