Part 21

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'You wake up the next morning before Tom, so you head out to the balcony to enjoy the few. About an hour later you feel Tom's hands wrap around your waist'

Tom: Good morning shortie

You: Morning Spidey

Tom: You really love this view, don't you?

You: I do. Can I ask you something?

Tom: You can ask me anything

You: Can we stay here?

Tom: What do you mean?

You: Can I move in here, so we can stay here?

Tom: Of course! I would love to stay here especially with you, but can I ask why?

You: My parents aren't here, and my fiancé and best friend are

Tom: What if Kristen and Harrison move?

You: Then I'll have my fiancé with me

Tom: You're so cute shortie

'You guys head downstairs for breakfast and your phone starts ringing'

You: Tom...

Tom: What? What's happening? Who is it?

You: My mom...

Tom: You don't have to answer, you don't need them

You: Why would they call me?

Tom: I don't know, just send them to voicemail

You: No, I'll answer and be very vague

'You answer the phone and your mother starts talking'

YM: Honey, oh my god, I can't believe you actually picked up

You: You're lucky this time, what do you want?

YM: We wanted to apologize

You: Well you already texted that

YM: But you didn't answer

You: Why would I answer you? You not only lied to me, but you thought it would be okay to throw around my anxiety like your personal toy

YM: Honey, you don't mean that. And we were going to tell you

You: When?! Before or after I made you promise me, he wouldn't know

'You hang up the phone before she has a chance to answer'

You: I'm so tired of their bullshit

Tom: Well, you're a fighter to me

You: They did this same thing 5 years ago. Telling me he's changed and that he got help, but he was still the same Jacob who stabbed me

Tom: Do you want to go get a new phone and number so they can't call you anymore?

You: I don't have the money for that

Tom: It's my treat shortie

You: Are you sure?

Tom: Yeah absolutely, I want you to be happy

'You two head to get you a new phone'

You: Thank you, Spidey

Tom: Of course, shortie, anything for you my love

'You never got rid of your old phone, you just had Tom hide it where you can't find it'

Tom: What else do you want to do today?

You: I'm not sure. Maybe plan our wedding? We've been engaged for a few months now

Tom: Yeah! Let's do that!

'Tom runs upstairs and grabs your laptops and brings them downstairs'

Tom: Alright, let's do this thing!

You: Well let's start with a location

Tom: What about the beach?

You: Or what about the waterfall? Not your spot, down in front, so all of our ceremony pictures have our favorite spot without anyone knowing

Tom: I love it shortie. So now a date

You: What about May?

Tom: Yeah, how about May 31st?

You: Yeah! Let's get married on my birthday! I'll never forget our anniversary

Tom: Okay looks like our day and place are set

You: How many people do you want? And what about save the dates?

Tom: Well what about 250? I want the whole Marvel cast to come. And we can have Sam take pictures for us

You: This already sounds amazing

'You two spend the whole day planning your wedding and your honeymoon. You've picked out everything you wanted, and you can't wait for the big day'

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