Part 15

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'You hear your parents leave and Tom walks in'

Tom: There's the girl I love. You feel better?

You: A little knowing they aren't here right now. And thank you

Tom: For what?

You: Playing along

'You both smile and Tom kisses your forehead before he drags you into the bathroom'

Tom: We need to clean your hands

You: Tom I'll be okay, I do this a lot

Tom: Well if you're going to be my wife you have to let me help you

You: Alright fine you can help

'Tom finishes cleaning your hands'

Tom: Alright, done! No more hand clenching shortie!

You: No promises Spidey

'You get a text from your mom'

YM: Do you and Tom want to meet us for ice cream?

You: We'd love to!

You: Tom, we're meeting my parents for ice cream

Tom: That sounds amazing! Are you okay?

You: Do you care if I leave my ring here? I'm not ready to tell them and I don't have that good of a story.

Tom: I'm fine with it, but do you think you'll ever be ready to tell them?

You: I don't know, I want to, but I don't want Jacob knowing and showing up

Tom: I told you I'll protect you, or what if I told your parents?

You: You would do that for me?

Tom: I'd do anything for you shortie

'You leave your ring on and head to the ice cream shop and you hear Tom whisper'

Tom: We've got this shortie

YM: Hey guys!

YD: Tom, did you already take my offer?

You: Actually dad

Tom: Are you sure?

You: Yeah, I'm ready

YM: Ready for what?

'As you stand there you clench Tom's hand and take a deep breath'

You: Umm, I have something to tell you, but I need you both to promise me something

YD: Of course, honey, what is it?

YM: I promise sweetie

You: You CAN NOT tell Jacob what I'm about to tell you. He's the reason I haven't told you in the first place.

YM: Of course, honey, he doesn't live with us anymore

YD: We won't let him near you honey

You: Okay, Tom is more than a good friend. I met Tom a while ago at Comic-Con and I've been traveling around with him for a few months. We have been dating for almost all of those months and recently he asked me to marry him


YD: Honey that's amazing!

YM: Why would you be scared to tell us?

Tom: Because of Jacob

You: Please Tom, I've got this. I don't want to have any contact with Jacob, and I was worried if I told you he would know, and I don't want to get stabbed again

'You squeeze Tom's hand even tighter with tears starting to form'

Tom: Let's get some ice cream, shall we?

YM: Yeah! Let's go!

'Tom keeps you back and gives you the biggest hug'

Tom: I'm so proud of you

You: Now I have to hope Jacob doesn't find out

Tom: Even if he does, he has to go through my first. Come on let's get some ice cream.

'You all get ice cream and your phone rings'

Jacob: Hey y/n. How have you been?

'Your heart drops and you whisper to Tom'

You: Tom it's him

Tom: Give me the phone

'Tom starts talking to Jacob with no mercy'

Jacob: Who's this?! This isn't my sister!

Tom: You're right it's not

Jacob: Where is she?

Tom: Forever unavailable to talk to you

'Tom hangs up and looks at you'

Tom: You might have to move again

YM: What? Who was that?

YD: What do you mean again?

Tom: That was Jacob and if you want y/n to be happy, she can't be somewhere Jacob knows about

'You get up and start running to the park downtown'

Tom: I'll get her. You guys go back to her place and make sure he isn't there and let me know

YM: We will

'Tom finds you sitting on a rock in the middle of the park and sits next to you'

Tom: How ya feeling shortie?

'All you do is hold out your hands out and look at him'

Tom: No stop! Here!

'He gives you his hands and you break down'

Tom: Hey talk to me

You: How could I think my parents could keep my secret?

Tom: Shortie, I don't think they told him

You: Then why did he call me?

Tom: I don't know

'Tom gets a message from your mom saying he wasn't there and that they were going to start packing your things'

You: Who's that?

Tom: Your mom

You: Everything okay?

Tom: Yeah, they're starting to pack up your things for you

You: Where are we going?

Tom: Wherever you want shortie

You: Your house?

Tom: You want to go to London?

You: I want to be away from here

Tom: Fine we'll leave in a few days, so you can finish packing

'You and Tom head back to your apartment when Tom gets another text from your mom'

YM: Don't come here, he showed up

You: He showed up, didn't he?

Tom: Yeah

You: I've got a place we can go

'You walk past your apartment building and continue on a few more miles'

Tom: Hey, I know this building!

You: You should! Harrison followed Kristen and me here

Tom: Does he know about Kristen's place?

You: He doesn't even know Kristen, so no

'As you get to the door, you knock just in case, and go in'

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