Part 26

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'You head downstairs and make Tom a sandwich'

Harrison: Hey Tom

Tom: Hey. What are you doing here?

You: You, Harrison, and your brothers are having a guy's night. No questions asked you're going

Harrison: Come on!

Tom: Will you be okay?

You: Yes, Kristen will be here in about an hour

Tom: Alright I'll go

'You give him a kiss before he leaves'

You: Don't forget to have fun

'You head to the couch and turn on the TV'

Kristen: y/n?

You: Living room!

Kristen: Thank god, Ahaha. What's the plan?

You: Well Tom is out with the boys for the night, they should be back around 11-12ish. And you and I can do whatever

Kristen: You really thought this through, didn't you?

You: I had some time

'You and Kristen watch movies, the sunset, made some dinner, and she headed out around 10:30'

Tom's POV

Tom: Thank you, guys, for tonight

Harrison: Don't thank us

Sam: Yeah, it wasn't our idea

Tom: Then whose was it?

Paddy: y/n's!

Tom: She did this for me?

Harry: Yeah, she was worried about you

Harrison: She wanted you to have a distraction-free night

Paddy: Yeah, with your brothers!

Tom: Wow. But I did have fun. We should do more of this

'All of them: Agreed'

Your POV

'The boys walk in and Tom runs up to you'

Tom: Thank you, shortie

You: You're welcome, Spidey. Glad you liked it

Harrison: Hey where's Kristen?

You: Oh, she left about an hour ago

Harrison: Sounds good to me Bye guys!

Sam: Come on Paddy, bedtime. Night guys

Paddy: Good night!

Harry: I'm going too. Night you two

You and Tom: Good Night

'As everyone heads to bed, you and Tom stay up'

You: So, did you have fun?

Tom: I did, thank you. Why did Kristen leave so early?

You: She said she was tired

Tom: So am I

You: You're finally admitting that?

Tom: Yeah. Can we please go to bed?

You: Sure

'You head upstairs and get ready for bed. When you crawl into bed, Tom rolls you on your side and wraps you in a hug'

Tom: This should be comfier for you

You: Thank you

'You kiss his hand that's holding yours'

Tom: Good night Spidey, love you

Tom: Night shortie, love you more

'You fall asleep and a few hours later you feel Tom stirring again and yelling your name. So, you roll around and snuggle up to his chest. You feel him grab you tighter and he starts to calm down'

You: I love you Spidey

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