Part 146

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'It's the day of the reveal party. You found out one of the twins was a boy, but you gave Kristen the other one'

Tom: Are you excited for today?

You: Yeah, I hope it's a girl because I'm all out of boy names

Tom: I think it will be, but if it's not that's okay

Kristen: Hey, people are starting to get here

You: We'll be right down

'You finish getting ready and head down to see a beautiful set up on the beach'

Tom: Kristen, this is great

Kristen: Thanks. What do you think y/n?

You: I think it's beautiful and I'm so glad everyone could come

Harrison: It's time to find out if it will be a mini Tom or mini y/n!

'Everyone gathers around and Kristen hands you and Tom confetti cannons'

Tom: On 3?

You: 1...2...3!

'You pop the confetti and you can't help but smile. Tom wraps you in a giant hug'


You: We have our little Haylee

Sam: That's a really pretty name. Did you pick it y/n?

You: No, Tom did. I picked a boy's name

Sam: What was it?

You: Ryker. I've always loved that name for some reason. But we've got Haylee coming in 5 months

Kristen: I can't wait to meet my goddaughter!

Sam: She's going to be beautiful, I just know it

Tom: I can't wait for a mini y/n

You: I kind of wanted a mini you though Spidey

Tom: Let's see how your body does with this one, then maybe we can try again

Kristen: Yeah, your body might not be able to handle two

You: Maybe it could, or we can try another option

Harrison: There's plenty of options out there

Tom: Exactly. We'll be okay. Part of your wish came true

'He gives you a kiss and you go to sit down'

You: Come with me, I don't want to sit by myself

Tom: Alright, let's go

'You and Tom sit at a table and have some food'

You: So, we get Ryker and Haylee

Tom: Why are you so dead set on keeping it a secret? I'm not mad, just confused

You: I wasn't even supposed to get one, but now we have two. What if we told everyone we have two coming, and something happens to one or both of them? I would never hear the end of all the questions and all the sympathy

Tom: Well, nothing's going to happen

You: I'm doing everything I physically can to make sure we watch them both grow up

Tom: I'm glad to hear that

Mrs. Holland: y/n! Tom! Congratulations!

You: Thank you, Mrs. Holland

Tom: Thanks mom

'Tom gets up and gives his mom a hug'

Mrs. Holland: So, if you ever need anything, and I mean anything, please let me know

You: We will because we'll definitely need help

Mrs. Holland: That's what I'm here for. I raised 4 boys, even did 2 at the same time

You: So, let's just say you're an expert

Mrs. Holland: Yeah, I'm pretty good at raising kids

'You give her a smile and a hug'

You: Tom, can we go on a walk?

Tom: Yeah. Bye mom

Mrs. Holland: Bye you two

'You head closer to the water holding Tom's hand'

Tom: You okay?

You: Yes, just needed some space. Are you ready to start the next movie?

Tom: Duh, I love my job. Where do we film first?

You: New York, then Italy, then here. I won't be able to go to Italy though, but I'll be able to go to London. Obviously

Tom: You're making me go to Italy by myself?

You: You have to. I can't fly and it's too far to drive

Tom: Fine, I'll just miss you

You: I know you will, but you're only there for 3 or 4 weeks depending on how well you all do

Tom: I'll be doing my best just for you

You: I appreciate that, thank you

Tom: Let's get back up to your party

You: Uhh, fine, but I want it to be our party Spidey

Tom: Then it's our party shortie

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