Part 154

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You: How did baby duty go?

Tom: Great! The only thing I didn't like was changing their diapers

You: There's going to be plenty of that Spidey

Tom: That's gross, like how do babies do that?

You: Because they're babies, they have no control

Tom: Fair enough

Kristen: Hey

You: How was your first appointment?

Kristen: Great and Harrison and I want you guys to plan the party. If you're able to

You: As of right now, I'd love to

Tom: That sounds like fun

You: I'm going to check on the twins

You walk across the hall and see Sam asleep on the floor with the twins on his chest. You take a picture and pick up Ryker

Sam: I had that handled

You: I know you did, but I left you, Haylee

Sam: My favorite

He smiles and moves her to the center of his chest putting his hands on her back

You: Why don't you go back to sleep and I'll sit down

Sam: Alright, night

You laugh at him, but can't help but feel all his love for Haylee already

Tom: Look at them, someone has a favorite

You: Yeah, so do I though

Tom: You can't pick between them

You: I didn't, you're my favorite

Tom: You're so sweet. Do you need anything?

You: Water, please

Tom: Be right back

While Tom was gone Ryker started crying. You start rocking him back and forth while humming

Tom: That's my favorite song

You: I know

Tom: I'll take him, why don't you get something to eat?

You: Alright

You give him Ryker and a kiss

Mrs. Holland: Hi y/n

You: Hey Nikki!

Mrs. Holland: How are you doing?

You: Alright so far. I'm just glad we've got a small break. Well, I do at least

Mrs. Holland: When does Tom start again?

You: Monday, he's got a new non-marvel movie

Mrs. Holland: Oh, sounds interesting

You: Yeah, they're in the states at first then back to London then they're off to Italy

Mrs. Holland: I'll come to help you with the twins

You: No, it's okay. I'll have Kristen, Sam, Harry, and Paddy

Mrs. Holland: What about Harrison?

You: I'm going to make him go with Tom

Mrs. Holland: Good idea, but I'll still help

You: Thank you

You make yourself a sandwich and sit at the kitchen island

Robert: y/n?!

You: Robert?!

Robert: Oh my god, hi! Where's my godchild?

You: He's upstairs, I'll bring you up

You bring Robert up to the nursery

Tom: Did you eat?

You: Not fully. I was interrupted

Tom: By?

Robert: Me!

Tom: Robert!

Robert: Let me see my godchild

Tom: Here, his name's Ryker

Sam: y/n, can you take Haylee? I have to pee

You: Yeah, I got her

Robert: They are beautiful and look just like Tom!

You: I'm okay with that

Tom: You are?

You: Yeah. Haylee has your amazing brown eyes, and Ryker's going to be a lady's man

Robert: They're adorable

Sam: Alright, I'm back

He reaches out his hands for Haylee

You: She's going to think you're her dad

Sam: I'll make sure she doesn't

You: Okay, here. Spidey, I'm going to eat

Sam: Alright, I've got them

He kisses your forehead, and you go back down

Kristen: Is Robert here?

You: Yes. He's with Tom, Sam, and the twins

Kristen: How are you?

You: Hungry

Kristen: I can see that. You're really scarfing it down

You: Haha, yeah

Kristen: Other than hungry, how are you?

You: I'm alright. Tom and I have agreed to switch sleeping days

Kristen: He's so sweet

You: I don't know what I'd do without him

Kristen: You two are so cute, you know that, right?

You: Yeah, I do


Hey guys! There are two more parts for me to publish of part one of this story! I have a lot of the second part written so I'll move right into that one once this one finishes! I hope you're all enjoying this story as much as I did while writing it! <3

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