Part 107

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Parent's Lawyer: We would like to call my defendants daughter to the stand

You: Of course they do...

Mr. Holland: Take a breath and tell them the truth. You got this

'You get up on the stand and see Tom smile at you'

Parent's Lawyer: Alright, y/n. When did you first leave your family?

You: The summer right before junior year of high school

Parent's Lawyer: And why did you leave?

You: To get away from my brother

Parent's Lawyer: Is it true he's the one who stabbed you?

You: The first time, yes

Parent's Lawyer: Has he harmed you since that night?

You: No, just my parents

Parent's Lawyer: Alright, I have no more questions...

Mr. Holland: Guess it's my turn. Okay y/n, can you describe your wedding night to me, after the reception of course

You: Sure...Tom and I were driving home when we saw a figure standing in the middle of the road. The figure turned out to be my father. I was inside before Tom, and when I went to meet him in the garage, my father shot me trying to shoot Tom

Mr. Holland: And what about your beach weekend?

You: Which one?

Mr. Holland: When your friend was stabbed

You: Sure...We were actually running from my parents because we thought they escaped from jail. It turns out they did, and they found the house. Before my dad could get to me, my best friend stood in the way

Mr. Holland: And what about the night they held the Holland family at knifepoint?

You: Tom and I had just come back from a picnic to grab our bags for New York. We walked in and Mrs. Holland looked really scared, so when we turned the corner my dad was there. Tom had snuck behind me to give me a weapon to protect myself. Tom and his mom got everyone out safely. I saw my mom behind my father, and she shot him trying to shoot me. I barely made it out

Mr. Holland: And what happened in New York?

You: Would you like the most recent one or when she locked Harrison in a closet?

Mr. Holland: Most recent, please

You: Okay...They showed up where I work, and I started to have a complete panic attack. They left work and trapped Kristen and Harrison in the apartment. They had plans to hurt them, but I stopped it before anyone of them could get hurt. I ended up being alone with them, and as I tried to run, I wasn't strong enough to get out of their grips. They tied me to a chair, planning to kill me

Mr. Holland: And can you please tell me about the most recent incident in LA?

You: They broke into the home I'm staying in for work. I tried to stop them by talking to them as long as I could. The police did show up before anyone got hurt luckily

Mr. Holland: So, about how many times have they broken in anywhere?

You: About 10 maybe more

Mr. Holland: Have you ever felt they cared?

You: No...they just care about Jacob

Mr. Holland: Thank you, y/n

'You get off the stand and see your hands clamped shut. You put them in your pockets, so no one sees. The jury tells the judge they want to deliberate, so the judge dismisses everyone for the time being. You walk up to Tom'

You: We need to go outside

Tom: Why?

You: Just grab napkins and meet me outside

Kristen: y/n?

Tom: Come outside. Harrison you too

Harrison: Coming

'You walk out to the parking deck and wait for Tom'

Tom: Alright. Why did I bring napkins?

'You pull your hands out and open them'

Tom: y/

Kristen: Oh my god...

You: I'm so sorry. I didn't even know I was doing it

Tom: It's okay. Let's go clean them up

Harrison: Tom, you can't bring her inside

Kristen: No one can see this

Tom: What about the bathroom?

Harrison: Yeah, we can lock the door

You: I'll put my hands in my pocket again

'You walk inside to the bathroom. Harrison stands outside the door while Kristen and Tom clean your hands'

Tom: Alright, try not to scream

You: I can't promise that. Kristen just cover my mouth now

Kristen: Alright. Tom now

'Tom starts to clean your hands and you start to scream. It's a muffled scream, so it's quiet'

Tom: Okay. I'm done!

You: Okay...ow!

Tom: I'm sorry

You: It's not your fault. Does either of you have food?

Kristen: I don't think that's the best idea for you

Tom: Yeah, we don't want to see that again

You: Fine! But I'm really hungry, so we're getting food after

Tom: Deal. Let's get back there

Harrison: You good y/n?

You: Yes, thank you for keeping watch

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