Part 109

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'You all head to get ice cream, and then head home'

Paddy: Ready to go swimming?

You: I'll be down soon

Tom: You okay?

You: Yeah, I'm just going upstairs to change. Do you want to come?

Tom: Sure

'You both head upstairs and change'

Tom: I'm so proud of you shortie

You: Me too. I didn't think I was going to get through it

Tom: I knew you could do it

You: I didn't. I was so worried I'd break, or there would be a different decision

Tom: You always think the worst, don't you?

You: When it comes to my family, yes. But now I've got you and your family, with none of my family

'He gives you a kiss, and you head to the pool'

Kristen: Hey, are actually ready?

You: Yes, we are

Kristen: Good. I've already been cleared to be a surrogate

You: Really?

Kristen: Yeah. I did it a few days after we talked about doing it

You: Well, Tom and I have to go, so I'll schedule appointments for this week

Tom: Appointments for what?

You: The doctor. Kristen's already ahead of us

Tom: Oh, that doctor

You: It's more me than you though, so don't worry

Tom: I'm not worried, just excited

You: I know, I am too

Paddy: Excited for what?

Tom: To start our family Paddy

Harry: You're pregnant?!

Sam: I thought you couldn't get pregnant

You: I can't. Kristen has offered to be the surrogate mother

Kristen: Yeah, it's great practice for my own

Harry: And you're okay with going through that?

Sam: Just to hand them away?

Kristen: I wouldn't be handing them away

Harrison: The 4 of us live together, so the baby will always be around us

Paddy: Is that why you're okay with it?

Kristen: Yes. And she's my best friend, I just want her to be happy

You: Thanks, but I think we'll finally be moving in the right way. No more steps backward for me

Tom: I'm excited to get my shortie back

Harrison: Me too. You guys haven't been the same

You: Well, a lot has happened over the past year

Tom: I think we're going to make it through

You: We should go back to Disney!

Harrison: That would be amazing! What do you think Kristen?

Kristen: After the premier

You: Yes, the premier is only 2 weeks away!

Tom: Yay! I get to see my movie soon!

You: Yeah, we can fly to Florida, stay a week or two, and fly back home

Kristen: I can't wait

Tom: Are my brothers coming?

You: Not this time. Us 4 are in desperate need of alone time

Harrison: Works for me

You: And that might be our last trip as just the 4 of us

Tom: Oh right!

Kristen: That's a sad realization

Tom: Well, it doesn't mean we can't go

You: True, but where are we staying?

Tom: What do you mean?

You: Well, your family is going back to London, are we going to London?

Kristen: We go where you go

Tom: I mean we have places in New York and London

You: So, both?

Tom: We'll figure it out as it gets closer, don't worry

'You all enjoy your night, and when you head up to bed Tom pulls you close'

Tom: I can't wait to have mini you's running around

You: What if it's a mini-you?

Tom: I'll be fine with either, just as long as they're ours

You: I love you so much more than words can describe

Tom: And I love you more

You: Goodnight Spidey

Tom: Goodnight Shortie

'You fall asleep in Tom's arms and you've never felt happier. You snuggle up close and can't help but smile'

You: Spidey?

Tom: Yes darling?

You: Can you drive me to the office today?

Tom: Of course. Do you know when you're done in the office?

You: I think this week because the premier is next Friday

Tom: Alright. You get dressed, and I'll make you something to eat

You: Thanks Spidey

'You get ready and Tom makes you breakfast and lunch'

Tom: I made your lunch too!

You: You're the best Spidey

Tom: I know, I just hope you like it

You: Well, you made it, so I'll love it

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