Part 56

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Your POV
'You get a text from Tom saying he was on his way'

Nurse: You ready to get these out of you?

You: Yes, please

'The nurse takes out the IV's and unhooks you from the machines'

Kristen: y/n!

You: Kristen! Hi!

Tom: Almost ready shortie?

You: Yeah. We just have to wait for the doctor

Kristen: That's okay

'The doctor comes in about an hour later and gives you a pair of crutches to use when needed'

Tom: Alright, Kristen you get that side

Kristen: Got it

Tom: Ready? 1...2...3...up

You: Oh my god!

Kristen: You okay?

You: Oh yeah, I didn't just get shot or anything

Kristen: I meant okay to keep going

You: Oh, I'll be fine. I just want to go home...

'You push through the massive pain and sit in the car crying'

Tom: We'll be home soon, hang in there

'You get home and they help you to the couch and you're still crying'

You: Tom, can you get me some water?

Tom: Yeah, I'll be right back

Kristen: Can you tell me what happened?

You: Can I tell you tomorrow?

Kristen: Of course, you can

You: Also, can you go pick this up for me?

Kristen: Yeah. What's it for?

You: Today's Tom's birthday, and I got him this since I ruined my birthday and our wedding

Kristen: You didn't ruin anything. I'll go pick this up and wrap it for you

You: You can just put it in a bag

Tom: Put what in a bag?

You: Something she bought for Harrison

Kristen: I'll be back later

Tom: Here shortie

You: Thank you, Spidey. I'm really tired...

Tom: Come here...

'You lay on Tom and fall asleep. He also falls asleep, and Harry takes a picture for you guys. A few hours later you wake up'

You: Tom? Spidey?

Tom: Yeah shortie?

You: Can you help me to the bathroom? I need to shower or at least wipe off my sweat and makeup

Tom: Yeah, come on

'He helps you up and the pain is too much'

You: I can't Tom, I can't

Tom: Come on, you have to

You: I can't do it. It hurts too much

Tom: You'll be more comfortable upstairs. I promise

You: Fine, but not too fast

Tom: We can go as slow as you need

'It takes you almost 45 minutes to get upstairs. You go right to the bed and Tom grabs a wipe'

Tom: Here shortie

You: Thank you, Spidey

'You start to wipe your makeup off and go to get up to throw it out'

Tom: Hey, I'll do it

You: No, I have to try to do it on my own since you're leaving soon

Tom: No, you don't. I'm not leaving

You: Tom, you leave for New York next week

Tom: Actually...

You: Don't tell me you pushed it off again

Tom: I did. I pushed it a week, and they said we could work from here

You: Tom, you need to go. You're the main character, they need you more than me

Tom: I need to take care of you

You: I'll be fine. Just go and I'm going to throw this out

'You grab the crutches and grip them hard before you stand up. You slowly head into the bathroom'

You: Hey Tom! Can you help me real quick?

Tom: Sure, what's up?

You: I need to clean the stitches, but I can't reach where they hooked it

Tom: Yeah, I'll get it

'Tom unhooks it and helps you clean it'

You: Thank you, Spidey

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