Part 125

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'You knock on Sam's door and walk-in'

You: Hey, you doing alright?

Sam: I think I've been better

You: Do you want to talk about it?

Sam: I thought she would be like you...

You: What do you mean?

Sam: When I met her, I wanted what you and Tom have. Turns out she wanted that too

You: I'm so sorry, Sam. I wish there was something I could do to help

Sam: How about just be my friend? Maybe my sister?

You: I can be a better sister

'He lays his head on your shoulder and breaks down'

You: I have a feeling there's more wrong than just a bad girlfriend

Sam: I think I'm starting to understand your panic attacks and I...

You: Hey, you can tell me. I'll give you that sister talk

Sam: I think I might have a little depression because I have this constant feeling of sadness. Then if something big happens, I freak out

You: When was the last time any of that happened?

Sam: ...uhh

You: Hey, I can't help you if I don't know

Sam: Well, the sadness is constant. It never goes away, I just put a mask on to hide everything. The last panic attack I had was when Tom couldn't find you in New York

You: Why?

Sam: Because if Tom lost you, then we would lose our sister. That was the scariest thing I've ever been through, the thought of you not being with us

You: Why's that scary for you?

Sam: Because no one else understands what I'm going through

You: Have you told them?

Sam: No, when I think about telling them I freak out again

You: I'm so sorry Sam. I wish I could do more to help

Sam: You're here, that's all the help I need

'You just sit next to him for a while'

You: I'm going to head to bed

Sam: Okay. I'll see you in the morning

You: Goodnight Sam

Sam: Oh, can you not tell Tom

You: Of course. You can tell them when you're ready

Sam: Will you help me?

You: Of course, I will

'You give him a smile and walk back to your room laying next to Tom'

Tom: Is he okay?

You: Yeah, he's just upset about Katie

Tom: I don't blame him. If something like that happened to me, I would be upset too

You: I hope you never feel like that, it breaks my heart

Tom: Well, maybe we can bring my brothers to the beach with us

You: I would love to, but are you okay with that?

Tom: Yeah, they mean a lot to me, and you

'You try to fall asleep and you can't help but worry about Sam. You used to feel the same way before you told Kristen. Since you can't sleep, you just go downstairs'

Kristen: y/n?

You: Hey, why are you up?

Kristen: I couldn't sleep. Guess I'm not tired. What about you?

You: I couldn't help but think about Sam

Kristen: I know, he made that same face you used to

You: What do you mean? What face?

Kristen: The face you made before you explained everything

'Before you can respond, Sam comes down'

Sam: y/n?

You: Sam?

Kristen: Do you want me to leave?

Sam: No, you might be able to help

You: Are you okay?

Sam: I really just need to let it out

You: Well, let it out

'Before he starts talking, he starts to cry'

You: Come here

Sam: I can't keep doing this. I keep saying I'm okay, and that I'm fine, but I'm not. I thought finding a girlfriend would change all that, but it didn't. This last one was the worst I've ever had

Kristen: Look, I'll tell you what I told y/n. It might feel like everything's falling apart, and that you're at rock bottom. But do you know the best thing about hitting rock bottom, Sam?

Sam: No

Kristen: There's only one way left to go

You: And that's up

Sam: Thank you so much. What would I do without you guys?

You: You know, I'm not sure

Kristen: You definitely wouldn't survive...

'You keep talking for a few hours and head off to bed a little less worried about Sam'

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