Part 37

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'As you're watching the news you can feel yourself tensing up and stressing, but doesn't notice yet'

Tom: How the hell did they manage this?!

You: I-I don't know. Th-This is crazy

'After your stuttering, Tom notices you're not okay and wraps you in a huge hug'

Tom: We'll protect you

You: Tom...They broke out of the most secure jail in London. We are not safe

Tom: What are saying?

You: We can't stay here. They will come back

Tom: Where are we going to go?

You: Do you have a house that no one knows about?

Tom: Yes, in southern France, we go there to get away from the paparazzi. It's on the beach

You: Then we need to go there as soon as possible

Tom: Alright you go pack up your stuff and I'll tell everyone else

You: I'll tell Kristen and Harrison while I'm packing

'You both rush around trying to get everyone out. You pack up the new computers and a bunch of your clothes along Tom's '

Kristen: Hey y/n. What's going on?

You: We aren't safe here right now, so I need you to grab everything you can of you and Harrison's stuff and just put it in a car

Kristen: Okay. Will you explain later?

You: Yes, I promise

'You give her a hug and she runs out. Tom comes in and starts to help'

You: Is everyone packing?

Tom: Yeah. Are you okay?

You: No, but I need to stay strong right now and worry later

Tom: I see you packed the computers

You: I had to. I start in a few days

Tom: Oh, I forgot you're starting before the wedding

You: Yeah, but from London, so I'll still be with you. Can you take my computer stuff downstairs, I'll take the monitors down

Tom: Yeah, I'll grab these suitcases for you

You: Thank you

'You give him a kiss and he heads off to pack the cars'

Tom: Alright, all the cars are packed except for your suitcase

You: Great, thank you, Tom

'You head downstairs and watch the TV again'

Paddy: Are we ready? I want to leave now

You: Yeah, Paddy. Tom go with Paddy and I'll be out

Tom: Okay

'Tom gets Paddy in the car and his parents come down'

Mrs. Holland: y/n? Are you coming?

You: I can't. I have to stay here. I can't put you all at risk. Mrs. Holland, I need you to go without me and I'll catch up with you guys tomorrow

Mrs. Holland: What about Tom?

You: He thinks I'm going, but I'm not

Mrs. Holland: Well, promise me you'll be safe?

You: I promise

'You give her a hug and she heads out. The second she leaves you locked the door so Tom can't get back in. You watch out the window as Mrs. Holland tells Tom, and as Harry and Sam fight to get him in the car. After they leave you sank to the floor and start to cry. A few minutes later they leave, your phone rings, it's Tom'

You: Hello

Tom: How could you do this?

You: I can't put you in harm's way again Tom

Tom: Why not?

You: You mean too much to me...

Tom: What are you going to do?

You: Wait, and if they don't show up here, I'm leaving tomorrow

Tom: I'll come to pick you up

You: No, you won't. I will drive myself and keep you safe

Tom: y/n...

You: Tom, I don't know what I would do without you okay. I need to know that you're safe and out of harm's way

'You hang up on him and head into the living room to wait. You know your family will show up, it's just a matter of when'

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