Part 88

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'You pack an extra sandwich and snacks for Tom, and head to work'

You: Alright Spidey, make today a good day

Tom: I will. I'll make your job easy

You: Love you

Tom: Love you more

'You give Tom a kiss and he runs off'

John: Okay guys, today's an important day

You: May I ask why?

John: Today could be our last day on set. We only have a few more scenes to film, and if we work hard today, we can finish it

You: Where do we go when we finish?

John: We go to headquarters and piece everything together with the CGI team

Team member: Cool!

John: It is cool. So, let's get started

'Your team starts the day and finish the storyboards. Everyone is called to set, and your team splits to your spots'

Joe: Alright everyone! Let's make today great, as it could be our last film day. Let's stay productive, so we can finish!

'Just as Joe stops talking everyone heads to work. Every scene is smooth sailing, until the last one. You can tell Tom is being weird'

Joe: Alright let's take a break. Everyone go get some fresh air

'Tom comes over to you'

Tom: What did you pack that I'm going to steal?

You: I brought you a sandwich and snacks

Tom: You truly are the best

You: I don't want you stealing my lunch!

Tom: Alright fine. Thank you for mine

You: You're welcome

'You both start eating your sandwiches'

You: What's going on?

Tom: With what?

You: This scene. You did so well on the other ones, so what happened?

Tom: I don't want you to feel awkward

You: Spidey, you're an actor. This is what you do, I won't feel awkward. I just need you to film it right and make my part easy. Besides, I'm your wife...those other girls should feel awkward

Tom: Alright

You: And don't hold back, it has to be believable

'You finish up lunch and get back to filming. Tom finally gets the scene right, and he was right, you feel a little awkward. But you're also proud because he did such an amazing job'

Joe: And that's a wrap!

John: Congratulations everyone!

Joe: You all did a great job filming these scenes, and it was an honor working with all of you

John: You're all good to go home! My team stay for a second, please

'Your team huddles by John'

John: Okay, we will be at Marvel's building in New York for the next week. On Tuesday, we will be meeting at their building in LA. I'll go over it more later on, but for now, I'll see you tomorrow

'Everyone heads off, but John asks you to stay back'

You: Is everything okay John?

John: Uh, no...

You: What happened?

John: Since you're the executive creative director, I'm going to need you almost 24 hours a day

You: That's okay...

John: And Tom needs to stay here until the premier...

You: I'm sorry?

John: We can't give away any spoilers, and it's best if he stays here. No one's significant others will be there, so I'm not just singling you out. It's just that this is your first movie, so I wanted you to be aware of it

You: No, no it's alright. Thank you for telling me, now I can save some money

John: I'll see you in the morning

You: Are we starting at 9?

John: Yeah! Have a great night!

You: You too!

'John leaves and Tom comes out about 10 minutes later'

Tom: Ready?

You: Yeah, I'm tired...

Tom: Then hop on

'You hop on Tom's back and he carries you to the car. He drives you home, and you were silent the whole ride. You're trying to figure out how to tell Tom'

You: I'm going to take a shower before dinner

Tom: Okay

Kristen: You have 45 minutes

You: I won't be that long...

Kristen: Better not be

'You finish your shower and Tom's waiting on the bed for you'

You: Is dinner almost done?

Tom: Yeah. You had 5 more minutes till I came in

You: You're too much. Are you excited to be done filming?

Tom: Yes and no. I'm excited because that means the premier is closer, but I'm not because you're going to get so much busier

You: That I am. John said he would need me almost 24 hours a day

Tom: Damn. I wasn't expecting that busy

You: It's okay. We start putting it together tomorrow in New York

Tom: Wait...are you leaving New York?

You: On Monday next week...

Tom: Have you booked the plane?

You: I'm going to fly normally

Tom: Why? We have the plane

You: Well...uh...I don't know how to tell you this...

Tom: What do you mean?

'Tears start to fall down your cheek'

You: You can't come to LA till the premier...

Tom: WHAT?!

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