Part 150

146 5 1

'You get home and drag Harrison outside'

Harrison: What?!

Tom: We have to tell you something

You: But you can't tell Kristen yet

Harrison: Okay?

You: Will you help us set up the nursery for 2?

Harrison: Yeah—wait 2!?

'You and Tom have a huge smile'

Tom: Yeah and we want you to be one of his godfathers

Harrison: It's a boy?!

You: Yeah

Harrison: And godfathers?

Tom: We promised Robert he could be a godfather, and we wanted you and him together

Harrison: Well, I'm honored. So, you get Ryker and Haylee?

Tom: Yeah, but we need your help with the nursery set up

Harrison: Let's get started

Tom: y/n you take Kristen to the beach, just keep her away from the nursery

You: okay, I'll text you when we're outside

'You run inside to get Kristen'

Kristen: Hey!

You: Hi, want to go to the beach with me?

Kristen: Of course, I love the beach

'You both change and head out. You text Tom so they could get started'

Kristen: How was the doctor?

You: Great, little Haylee is doing great

Kristen: Did they mention anything about labor?

You: She might come early, but that would be my bodies way of giving up

Kristen: I hope you'll be okay

You: Well I could have a c-section, less trauma for both of us

Kristen: That's always an option, but I hope for the best

You: You always do

Kristen: I'm so excited to meet her and spoil the crap out of her when you're gone

You: You're willing to take care of her?

Kristen: Yeah, she's going to school here, not on set

You: Thank you so much for everything you've done, and everything you're going to do

Tom's POV

'They've been setting everything up for a few hours and they finished. Tom texted you to come back inside'

Harrison: This looks perfect

Tom: I know. Thanks for helping

Harrison: Of course. So, who else knows?

Tom: Just Robert, but once we tell Kristen, you cannot tell anyone else

Harrison: Why?

Tom: We want it to be a surprise. We weren't going to tell you guys, but Kristen's onto us

Harrison: Well, I promise to keep your secret

Your POV

You: Can we head in? I'm tired

Kristen: Of course, we can, come on

'She helps you off the sand and heads inside'

You: Here, put this on, please

Kristen: What? Why?

You: I have a surprise for you

Kristen: Okay, fine. Please don't let me fall

You: I won't. Tom is coming to help me

'Tom comes down to help you with Kristen. You walk with her into the nursery and you and Tom stand in between the cribs'

Kristen: Can I take this off?

You: Yes

'She takes off the blindfold and you and Tom are just smiling'

Kristen: NO!

You: Yeah

Kristen: NO! You're joking!

Tom: Nope. We are having little Haylee and little Ryker

Kristen: Oh my god! I knew it!

Tom: Can't get anything past you, can we?

Kristen: Not when she's that big!

You: Wow...just wow

Kristen: Sorry, but there's no way you packed all that food and look that big for one baby

You: It's fine. We just need you two to keep it a secret

Tom: And keep everyone out of here

Harrison: We can do that for you guys

'You wrap everyone in a huge hug'

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