Part 86

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You: Spidey, you stay here. I don't need a ride today, it's nice out

Tom: Are you sure?

You: Yes. You get a few more hours of sleep because I know you need it, and I'll see you later

Tom: Alright, be safe. I love you

You: I love you more

Tom: Not possible

'You head down and grab all your stuff for the day. You start your walk to work and feel like someone's following you, but you ignore it'

John: Good morning y/n!

You: Morning everyone

John: Today should be pretty easy. We aren't going to change anything, and we'll look it over tomorrow

'For the next few hours, you all talk about the movie and what you all think'

Tom: Hey, can I talk to you please?

You: Of course

'Tom takes you to his dressing room'

You: What's going on?

Tom: There's someone outside who looks a lot like Jacob

You: What are you talking about?

Tom: I parked the car and started walking in. A couple of doors down there was a guy, who looked almost identical to Jacob

You: It can't be. He's supposed to be in London

'There's a knock-on Tom's door

Tom: Come in

Robert: Uh, y/n there's a gentleman outside for you

Tom: Whatever you do, don't clench

You: I won't. Thank you, Robert

Tom's POV

Robert: Don't clench?

Tom: When her anxiety gets bad, she clenches her hands making her palms a bloody mess

Robert: That's terrible

Tom: She's been good though. Can you explain this man?

Robert: He was tall, had brown hair, was very tan. He said it was urgent

Tom: Oh no...

'He runs out of the room and catches you right before you step out the door'

Your POV

Tom: Shortie! Stop!

You: What?

Tom: It's Jacob

You: How do you know?

Tom: Robert described what he looked like

You: It's okay Spidey, we can't ignore him

Tom: And why not?

You: Because he has major anger issues, do you not remember that?

Tom: No, no I do

You: So, we run that risk if we ignore him now

Tom: So, what do we do?

You: Just come with me

Tom: Fine, but you're holding my hand the whole time

You: Promise

'You head outside squeezing Tom's hand. You have a nervous feeling, but you also feel safe because of Tom'

You: Jacob?

Jacob: y/n, Tom I'm so sorry I came here while you're working

You: It's fine, what do you need?

Jacob: I wanted to know if you knew where mom is

You: Jail Jacob. She's in jail

Jacob: Where?

You: Somewhere in Jersey, I don't know which one though. I chose to just let her go and keep her out of my life

Jacob: And dad?

You: Dead Jacob

Jacob: What?!

You: When Tom and I were still in London, the night we were supposed to leave, he was holding Tom's family hostage, and eventually Tom saved his family. Dad lunged and mom shot. I barely made it out of the house

Jacob: Are you okay?

You: I'm fine. What are you really doing here?

Jacob: Uhh, here. This is for you

You: What is it?

Jacob: If something ever happens and Tom can't save you or can't be there in time

You: Thank you?

Jacob: I don't expect you to call me, but I wanted you to have it anyway

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