Part 12

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You: Tom, is Harry okay? He's been staring at the wall for almost 2 hours

Tom: I think he's still upset about scaring you back in London. Why don't you go talk to him?

You: Hey Harry, can I ask you something?

Harry: And what would that be?

You: Are you okay? You've been looking at a wall for 2 hours and you told me you felt bad

Harry: I do feel bad!

You: For what?!

Harry: For scaring you okay

You: Harry, you can't be serious?

Harry: You don't see anyone lining up to date me, so I just get so jealous and my jealousy turns into anger every time!

You: So why don't you go get the help you need? This isn't good for you Harry.

Harry: I don't know, maybe I will. Thank you

You: You're welcome!

Harry: Hey Y/n, would you still want to be my friend? Maybe rebuild our relationship?

You: I would love to do that. But you have to promise me you'll get the help

Harry: I promise

'As you're heading back to the hotel you and Tom are talking the whole time. You tell him about Harry, and how you're worried'

Tom: What do you mean worried?

You: Come on Tom, he stared at a wall for 2 hours

Tom: Okay that's fair

You: He also said he wants to try to be friends and rebuild our relationship

Tom: I think that's great! Considering we came here after all that happened

You: I know, but at least he's trying to rebuild our relationship after what he did to you and Harrison

Tom: Did he say that?

You: Yes Tom, I would never lie to you

Tom: Okay good, because that wouldn't fly fiancé

You: That's got quite a ring to it, I like it

Tom: What about Mrs. Holland?

You: I love it Spidey

'You all get back to the hotel and you part ways with plans to get breakfast in the morning'

You: Tom, can I ask you something?

Tom: Yes, you can ask me anything

You: Do you think that one day we might move in together?

Tom: I hate to break it to you, but I hope we do

You: So, when we do, where are we going to live? America or London?

Tom: Well where do you want to live?

You: Are you leaving the decision to me?

Tom: Yeah, I have good reasons to live in both, and I really just want you to be happy shortie.

You: Would you be okay with staying here? I mean I already have an apartment that I've been paying for

Tom: You've been paying for an apartment and not staying there?

You: Well yeah, I still have stuff there. It looks over the city of LA

Tom: We must go when I'm done filming. I'll help you pay for it too since I am the fiancé

You: Okay Spidey, we can go whenever you want, and you only have to help pay if you want to. Plus, my parents don't know I haven't been there anyway

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