Part 120

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'You woke up the next morning on the couch. Everyone's been up for a while, they just let you sleep'

Your POV

You: Morning guys

Kristen: Morning. How are you feeling?

You: I'm okay. I'll be better when I have some stuff to do

Tom: You have work tomorrow, right?

You: Yes, can you drive me?

Tom: Of course

'You go upstairs to change, and Tom comes in'

Tom: There's my girl

You: What's up Spidey?

Tom: I have to change too

You: No, I like it when you only have PJ's on

Tom: I at least need a shirt

You: You're covering the best part

Tom: Yup. It's for your eyes only

You: Good to hear we're on the same page

'You finish getting ready and go downstairs'

Harrison: What should we do today?

You: How about we try a movie day again?

Harrison: You sure?

You: Yes, absolutely

'You all decide on a Marvel Movie marathon'

You: Spidey, I'm going to grab one of your hoodies. Do you want one too?

Tom: No, I'm okay. Thank you, Shortie

'You go into Tom's closet and grab a hoodie'

Harrison: Isn't that Tom's favorite hoodie?

You: Yeah...

Tom: Isn't Kristen wearing your favorite hoodie?

Kristen: I am...

Harrison: Alright I get it, I get it

You: It's okay. All of Tom's hoodies are my favorite

'You start the movie marathon. Before you start the third film, you step out onto the balcony. You hear the door open behind you'

You: I'm okay, I promise

Tom: How did you know I was going to ask that?

You: Because that's the first question everyone asks me

Tom: Well, are you really okay?

You: Yes, I just needed some air. It's getting easier to stay in here, but it's going slow

Tom: You like slow and steady anyway

You: You're too much sometimes

Tom: I only want to see your genuine smile

'He gives you a hug and you walk back inside'

Kristen: Ready for Iron Man?

You: You know it!

'You watch 2 more movies then head off to bed. Tom opens his arms so you can snuggle into him'

Tom: Are you ready for work tomorrow?

You: No, I'm just looking forward to a few months off on a beach in France

Tom: I'm so happy you want to go back

You: Me too. My new life started there

Tom: Technically it started in LA

You: No, when I first said yes to being your girlfriend. That's when it started

Tom: I'm so glad you said yes

You: Me too because if I didn't, I don't know where I would be

Tom: Same, I think I'd still be lonely

You: You would've found someone

Tom: I'm glad the one I found was you though

You: Me too

'Tom pulls you closer and kisses your head. You quickly fall asleep in Tom's arms. While you were sleeping you had a dream that you were finally pregnant, and you and Tom had never been happier. You wake up the next morning really upset knowing it was just a dream and that could never actually happen, but you just keep going'

Tom: Ready to go?

You: Yeah, let's go

'You head out the door and out to the car'

Tom: Don't think I didn't notice

You: What?

Tom: I know there's something bothering you

You: You are good

Tom: Talk later?

You: Yeah, after work. Promise

'Tom drops you off in front of the building'

Tom: See you later shortie

You: See ya Spidey

Tom: Have a great day

You: Nothing without you is great

Tom: That's okay. I love you

You: I love you more

'He gives you a kiss and you head inside'

John: Morning!

You: Hi!

John: Okay, we've got 3 scripts to go through this week to make one

You: Okay. Which superhero is it?

John: All of them. This is an Avenger's film

You: Great! Let's get to work

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