Part 83

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'You wake everyone up and tell them the flight is in 3 hours'

Tom: Hey, you doing okay?

You: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?

Tom: 2 things. One, you barely called me Spidey this whole trip. And two, you seemed really overwhelmed last night

You: Okay, one, I didn't call you Spidey so people wouldn't be attracted to us. And two, I was very overwhelmed, but we got through it...

Tom: But are you okay now?

You: Yes, I'm great

'You all pack your things and head to the airport. There again is a crowd of people, and Robert is waiting for you'

You and Tom: Robert!?

Robert: Hey guys!

You: What are you doing here?

Robert: I saw the pictures from last night, so I came to escort you home on my plane

Tom: Thanks, man!

'You board Robert's plane and head back to New York'

Tom: Kristen, do you guys need a key? Tom and I have to go right to work

Kristen: No, Harrison has it, I think. I'll ask

Harrison: We don't need one

Tom: Great!

'The plane lands in New York and everyone heads their separate ways. Tom's brothers head home along with Harrison and Kristen. You, Tom, and Robert head to work'

Tom: Alright Spidey, go get ready

Tom: There it is

'He gives you a kiss and runs off'

Robert: I don't know how you did it

You: Disney's a magical place, Robert

Robert: I've never seen him like that

You: That was pretty standard for a while. It's my family's fault, they're actually crazy

Robert: Wow, I'm so sorry

You: It's alright. I've cut ties with them

Robert: Well good for you

'You smile and get to work on the day's scenes'

You: You guys did a great job with the scenes on Friday

John: We tried our best. Now, since Tom is back today, we'll be doing some more with that

'You team discusses the scenes, and change anything you need to'

John: Let's get started. Matt and Jenn, you'll be behind the screens, y/n, and Ted will work with Joe, and I'll be on camera duty!

'You all head your separate ways to start filming'

Joe: Hi y/n, hi Ted. What are we doing today?

Ted: A bunch

You: But we wanted to start with this one

Joe: Are we changing anything for the original?

Ted: Not on this one

You: But if we catch something, we'll let you know

'Joe calls everyone to set and you begin filming. You can't help but smile at Tom'

You: Ted, let's move that piece and see how it looks

Ted: Where? Here?

You: Perfect

'You finish the day, and everything looks great. As everyone leaves, you stay and wait for Tom'

Robert: Bye y/n!

You: Bye Robert! Thank you for this morning!

Robert: Anytime, you know that

John: So, I see your weekend off did Tom well

You: Yeah, I made him be a normal person

John: Interesting. Where did you guys go?

You: Disney

John: You took spiderman to Disney to be normal?

You: It sounds crazy, but yes. We've been through a lot the past couple of months, so I thought we could have some fun

John: And what better place than Disney?

You: You're getting it

John: Alright I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow. Bright and early!

You: Yes, sir

Tom: Ready?

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