Part 114

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'You wake up the next morning and start to pack for your trip home'

Tom: What are you doing?

You: We leave tomorrow, so I have to pack

Tom: Are we going home?

You: After Disney

Tom: You weren't kidding about that?

You: I don't know. I have to see

Tom: If we don't, where are we going?

You: It doesn't matter to me

Tom: Well, we can go to New York grab some stuff, then go to London for a while

You: That's fine Spidey

Tom: Let's go eat though

'You and Tom head down for breakfast to find Kristen and Harrison'

You: Morning guys

Harrison: y/n, we might not be able to go to Disney

You: That's okay. Are you guys okay?

Kristen: Yes...we're okay

Tom: Harrison, can we talk, please?

Harrison: Yeah

'Tom leaves with Harrison and you just give Kristen a look'

You: What the hell Kristen?

Kristen: Nothing, okay

You: You two were fine last night, so what happened?!

'She pulls out a picture on her phone'

Kristen: This was him last night

You: When? We were all together

Kristen: It was before we left

You: Did he tell you what happened?

Kristen: I can't get myself to let him

Tom's POV

Tom: You got something to say?

Harrison: I was out to lunch with Bri

Tom: That's your ex dude

Harrison: I know. She wanted to meet so she could get back together with me

Tom: What happened?

Harrison: I told her I was getting married and that I didn't want anything to do with her. She got angry and told me that she was the only one for me. She kissed me and made it look like I wanted it

Tom: How did Kristen find out?

Harrison: Someone sent her a picture of us kissing

Tom: Harrison!

Harrison: I know, it's so bad. She won't even talk to me, so I can't even explain myself

'There's a knock on the door'

Your POV

You: Spidey?

Tom: Yes shortie?

You: I think we have a problem...

Tom: No, no we do have a problem

Harrison: Is Kristen okay?

You: Why did you do it..?

Harrison: I didn't that's the thing

You: Then what happened?

Harrison: My ex wanted to meet for lunch. She wanted to get back together, I only went to tell her that I was getting married. She told me she was the only one and when she went to kiss me, she made it look like I wanted it. I don't know how Kristen got that picture, but she won't even talk to me. I don't know what to do...

You: I do. Kristen?

Kristen: You didn't do it?

Harrison: Of course not. I asked you to marry me

'You stand with Tom with a smile on your face. Harrison and Kristen are both crying and hugging'

Tom: You guys good now?

Kristen: Yeah, we're good

'You go back downstairs and check your emails during breakfast'

You: Crap!

Tom: What?

You: John needs me in New York next week

Tom: For what?

You: New movies. Then I get a few months off

Tom: Well, I hope you're working on my next film

You: Even if I'm not, you'll still be there

'You get dressed and finish packing, leaving out what you need in the morning'

You: Spidey, are you packed?

Tom: No, I haven't started

You: Then start

Tom: Woah someone's sassy today

You: Sorry. I didn't mean it like that

Tom: It's okay, I thought it was cute

You: You think everything I do is cute

Tom: It is. I wouldn't have married you if you didn't do cute things

You: So, if I was ugly, we wouldn't even be friends?

Tom: I said cute things. Someone could be ugly and still do cute things

You: Way to save yourself...

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