Part 23

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Your POV

You: Alright, you're all done!

Kristen: This looks amazing! Thank you, y/n!

You: Have fun at dinner!

'Kristen heads out and you head towards Tom's balcony, when you hear...'

Tom: Hey, where's y/n?

Kristen: Balcony

Tom: Thanks. And you look amazing, have fun!

'Kristen goes downstairs and Tom heads out to you'

Tom: Can we please talk?

You: Not now. I'm not in the right place

Tom: Fine, then just listen

'You keep staring out to London as Tom wraps his arms around you from behind laying his head onto your shoulder'

Tom: Look I need you to know I love you, and I'll always be there for you. Everything that's happened in the last few months, changes nothing. I know you're struggling, and I don't want you to, but I don't know how to fix your struggle. All I've done is tell you I'm always going to be there for you, but it doesn't help if I just say it and don't prove it to you.

'Tom starts to cry'

Tom: I'm sorry for letting you down

You: No, you could never let me down. I'm sorry for everything. I just don't want to open up to get let myself down again. This is all my fault and I should've just told you the truth

'You both stand on the balcony crying for what feels like hours'

Tom: You want some dinner?

You: Sure, I can make some pasta for us

'You head downstairs and start to cook'

You: Hey, have you been cleaning the stitches?

Tom: Uhh yeah

You: You're a terrible liar, you know, that, right?

Tom: Yeah, I do

You: Watch the pot and I'll be right back

'You run upstairs to grab the cleaning supplies for Tom's stitches'

You: Alright, come here

Tom: Do you need me to sit?

You: No, but here, squeeze this pillow. This might hurt...a lot

Tom: Alright make it quick

'As your pulling off the gauze Tom is already starting to squeeze the pillow'

You: This is why you don't clean it, don't you?

Tom: Yeah, it hurts so much

You: Well, take a deep breath

'He takes a deep breath and you finish pulling off the gauze'

You: I would like to say the hard part is over

Tom: Can we clean it after we eat? It still stings and I'm hungry

You: Sure, but you're not getting out of this

'You finish cooking, enjoy the pasta, clean up, and put everything away'

You: Alright come here

Tom: Do I have to?

You: Unfortunately, yeah, you do, sorry Spidey

'You clean off the stitches and you feel so bad because you know it's your fault. When you finish you look up at Tom and wipe his tears'

You: You did so well. And I'll do this again tomorrow for you

'You give him a kiss and head upstairs'

Tom: Hey, where are you going?

You: Put the cleaning stuff away and grab you some gauze to wrap it back up

Tom: Oh, do you have to?

You: Yeah Tom, I do. Come on, upstairs. It's my turn to take care of you now

Tom: That's supposed to be my job though

You: Well for the time being it's my job


'Tom's appointment to get his stitches out is today'

Tom: Shortie! Come on get up! Today's a big day!

You: I know, but your appointment isn't for a few hours Tom

Tom: I just can't want to get my roles back! Like taking care of you

'You head to his appointment and you can see him getting more and more nervous'

You: Hey, I thought this was a happy day?

Tom: I thought it was too

You: Then what happened?

Tom: What if it looks funny? Or makes me look like a freak or something?

You: Well I showed you mine and yours is almost identical to mine

Tom: What's your point?

You: No matter what it ends up looking like, you'll still be my Spidey

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