Part 34

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'As Tom heads out, you head into the kitchen'

Kristen: Surprise!

You: Oh my god! You're back!

Mrs. Holland: And I made this

'She pushes and plate to you'

You: How did you know?

Mrs. Holland: Tom. He asked me to make it to make you feel better

You: Well, consider me feeling better

Kristen: What happened?

You: Long story, so I'll give you the spark notes version. Basically, my family showed up, I slammed the door, Tom and his entire family stood around me. My parents basically shit on always...then Tom's family picked me back up. They left me and Tom cleaned my hands. Now you're pretty caught up

Kristen: Wow, that's a lot

Mrs. Holland: Be glad you weren't here. They were brutal

You: I'm just glad I have all of you

Mrs. Holland: We love you

You: I love you guys too. Hey, where did Tom go?

Kristen: I'm not sure, Harrison didn't tell me this time

You: Oh, just thought I'd ask

'You spend hours with Mrs. Holland and Kristen before the boys come back'

Harrison: Hey Kristen!

Kristen: Harrison!

You: Hey, where's Tom? I thought he was with you

Harrison: Oh yeah! You need to come with me

You: Should I change?

Kristen: No, you're beautiful just like that

You: Thank you for an amazing night, Mrs. Holland, I really appreciated it

Mrs. Holland: Anytime, you know that

'You follow Harrison'

Harrison: I need you to put this on

You: A blindfold, really?

Harrison: Hey, Tom's orders

You: Alright, fine. Kristen can you tie it, please

Kristen: Of course

Harrison: Okay, do you trust me?

You: Honestly, no, but I've got nothing to lose, so sure

'You all laugh, and Harrison takes your hand'

Harrison: Here we go, this way

'You slowly walk with Harrison until you come to a stop'

You: Harrison can I take this off now?

Harrison: No, you can't

You: Why not?

Harrison: Look I'm only doing what I'm told

'You hear him walk away and someone comes closer to you'

You: Hello? I'm not enjoying not seeing

'You feel the person grab your waist and kiss you'

You: Tom?

'You take the blindfold off'

Tom: Hi shortie

You: What's going on Spidey?

Tom: I've been planning a night like this since I first met you

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