Part 57

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'A week passes and walking with the crutches is getting easier. It's also time for Tom to leave for New York'

Tom: Are you sure you'll be okay?

You: Yes, I'll be fine. If I need any help, I'll ask Kristen, Harrison, Sam, Harry, or Paddy for help

Tom: I'll be back on Sunday to take you to your appointment, and hopefully you'll be flying back with me

You: Let's not get our hopes up okay

Tom: Fine. I'm going to have Harrison drop me off

You: Okay, I'll see you in a few days then

Harrison: Ready Tom?

Tom: Yeah...

'Tom gives you a kiss and hugs you before he leaves'

You: Kristen!

Kristen: What's up?

You: I forgot my crutches by you

Kristen: Coming

You: Thank you...

Kristen: Of course. That's what I'm here for

You: I'm worried though

Kristen: About what?

You: Tom getting his hopes up. It was hard enough to get him to leave without me once

Kristen: You don't think you'll get cleared to fly?

You: I really don't know, that's why I'm worried

Kristen: You don't want Tom to stay?

You: I want Tom to start the movie we've both already pushed off by at least a week or two

Harrison: Hey, I'm back. Can I steal Kristen for a few hours?

You: Yeah. Can you both help me upstairs?

Kristen: Of course, we can

'They help you up the stairs and onto the bed'

You: Thank you, guys

Harrison: Of course

Kristen: If you need anything—

You: I know what to do

'Harrison and Kristen leave the room. As you get settled you get a phone call'

You: Hello, this is y/n

John: Hi y/n, this is John

You: Oh hi. How are you?

John: I'm alright. How are you? Tom told me what happened

You: I'm doing okay so far. So, what's up?

John: Since you won't be on set for a few weeks, can we do video conferences?

You: Like as if I was actually there?

John: Yes, if that's possible for you

You: Well, I'm not really allowed to do much, so I'm in!

John: That's great to hear. We will be starting Monday at 8 AM here

You: I'll make sure I'm ready. Thank you

'John ends the call and Kristen comes running in'

Kristen: y/n!

You: What happened?

Kristen: I forgot to give you this!

You: Oh my god, I'm the worst person ever. I forgot about his birthday!

Harrison: y/n it's okay. He understands

You: But I even got him a gift

Kristen: It's okay. I'll leave it here, and when he comes back, he'll see it

You: Thanks guys

Harrison: Why don't you try to sleep, it's getting late

'You try to fall asleep, but you can't. Tom's smell just isn't enough, you really miss him'

Harrison: Hey y/n, there's someone on the screen for you

'You grab the computer and see it's Tom. The minute you see him you start to cry'

Tom: Hey short—hey what's wrong?

You: I really miss you, and making you leave was a mistake

Tom: Hey, hey calm down. It's alright

You: No, it's not

Tom: I'll be home in a few days okay?

You: What am I supposed to do for a few days?

Tom: Get stronger for me, so you can fly back with me

You: I just wish you were here

Tom: I know, but for the next few days I'll be on a screen

You: I wish you weren't

Tom: I'll be home in a few days

You: Alright, I'll see you then

Tom: Love you shortie

You: Love you more Spidey

Tom: Not possible

'He blows you a kiss and hangs up. You hand the computer back to Harrison. After he leaves you start to cry, then you hear someone knock'

You: Come in

Paddy: Hey y/n. How are you feeling?

You: I'm okay Paddy

Paddy: Really? Your eyes are red and puffy

You: I'll be okay, I promise

Paddy: Can I get you anything before bed?

You: Actually, yeah. Can I get some water, please?

Paddy: Sure! I'll be right back

'Paddy leaves and comes back with water'

You: Thank you, Paddy

Paddy: You're welcome. Good night y/n

You: Night Paddy

'Paddy heads to bed, but you lay awake. You didn't realize how much you actually needed Tom to stay in London'

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