Part 108

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'You get back to the room just in time. The jury has come back, but they want to ask you one more question to solidify their verdict'

Jury: y/n, we would like to ask you one more question

You: Of course

Jury: We would like to know how severe your anxiety is

You: Oh, well it's bad for certain things

Jury: What are those things?

You: Whenever my family shows up, I find out they did something horrible, or if I don't know where they are

Jury: How have the past few months been?

You: Like absolute hell. It's the scariest feeling in the world not knowing what's going to happen when you walk out the door

Jury: Thank you, y/n. Judge, can we get 30 minutes?

'The judge nods and everyone sits and waits for them'

You: Did I do okay?

Mr. Holland: You did fantastic!

You: Really?

Mr. Holland: Yeah. You stayed strong, and you answered every question they threw at you. You should be proud of yourself y/n

You: Thank you, Mr. Holland, for everything...

'The jury finally comes back. You start to tense up not knowing what they are going to say'

Mr. Holland whispers: Take a breath, it's okay

You: I'm trying

Mr. Holland: It's going to be okay

Jury: We've reached a decision

'Everyone in the room goes silent'

Jury: We the jury find Mr. and Mrs. Stark guilty of all charges against them

'For a minute it felt like time stopped'

Jury: As the judge, you are each sentenced to life in prison, without the possibility of parole. We are adjourned

'You turn to Tom and start to cry'

You: We did it!

Tom: Yes, we did...

'As you hug him you say...'

You: Now we can start our family...

Tom: Really?!

You: Yeah. I wanted to know they would be gone first

'Tom spins you around and you hold him tight'

Harrison: Ehm

You: Thank you both so much. And I've got some more news...

Harrison: What is it?!

You: We're ready now...

Harrison: For what?

Kristen: Shut up!

You: I was waiting for my family not to be an issue

Kristen: I can't wait for this

Harrison: Ooh, I'm an idiot...

Tom: You are, but we still love you

Harrison: Alright, let's head out

You: How many people are going to be out there?

Tom: Probably more than this morning

You: I can't...

Kristen: Come on, you just have to walk

Harrison: Keep an eye on Tom the whole time

Paddy: Are we still getting ice cream?

Sam: I would like to know that myself

Harry: Me too

You: Yes, we're still getting ice cream

Tom: If we ever make it to the car...

Harry: Jesus

Sam: There are so many people out there

Paddy: Holy crap!

Tom: Language!

Paddy: Sorry Cap

'You all laugh and as you get to the front door you freeze. You can feel yourself stressing and panicking again'

Tom: Hey, come on

You: I can't. Give me a minute

Tom: What do you need?

'You open your arms and he wraps you in a tight hug'

Tom: Better?

You: Much. Alright, let's go before I change my mind

'You begin to walk through the crowd, and you keep your head down even though they're asking you a ton of questions'

Mr. Holland: I'm sorry everyone, but we are going to celebrate as a family. All we ask for is privacy and space. Thanks

Tom: You're pretty good at that dad

Sam: Wonder where he learned it...

Harry: Yeah, I wonder...

Tom: If you're implying me—

Mr. Holland: You'd be dead right

You: Really?

Mr. Holland: Yeah. Our lives changed when he became Spider-man

Sam: Paparazzi followed us everywhere

Harry: Even when Tom wasn't around

Paddy: I liked it for a bit, but after a while, it became really annoying

Mr. Holland: So, I stepped up to protect what was left

You: That's so amazing, just like all of you

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