Part 90

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Tom: Hey, hey calm down

You: I can't. He's here!

Tom: Who's there?

You: My dad!

'Tom drops his phone and runs to the car'

Your POV

You: Please hurry Spidey...

YD: Do any of you know y/n?

John: Yes, but may I ask who you are?

YD: I'm her father

John: Well, she just stepped out. I'm sorry

Tom: How could you?

YD: How could I what?

Tom: You were dead. She shot you

YD: You don't know everything

Tom: I know way more than I should

YD: That's not my problem. Do you know where y/n is?

Tom: Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. My job as her husband is to protect her from you

YD: And you're doing a terrible job

You: He's doing better than you are

Tom: y/n, what are you doing?

You: Standing up, and not running

YD: I was coming to see you

You: You were dead on the floor

YD: You forget your mother and I know people

You: NO!

YM: Hey honey

You: This can't be happening. I have to be dreaming

YM: It's as real as it gets

You: But you were in jail

YM: You can't convict someone of murder...

YD: If no one's actually dead

You: Why are you here? You're going to get me fired!

YD: Then we'll talk later, no worries

'You parents leave, and you don't know what to do or say'

You: I'm so sorry John. That shouldn't have ever happened

John: It's alright. Let's get back to work. Tom, can you close the door on your way out?

Tom: Yeah, of course. Have fun putting the movie together! It's going to be amazing!

John: Thank you, Tom

'Your team finished up for the day and you stay behind'

John: Everything okay?

You: Yeah, just a little embarrassed...

John: How so? It was only me in here

You: You're my boss, and you just found out so much

John: y/n, really, it's okay. You showed great courage today

You: Thank you, sir

John: Would you like to walk with me? I can keep you company

You: That would be great, thank you

'He walks with you to the lobby and Tom joins you. The three of you head to the cars and head home'

You: I don't want to go home...

Tom: Where do you want to go?

You: Just not home. I know they're either there or waiting outside for us to come home

Tom: Well, the car needs gas, so we'll go there—

You: I can't believe he isn't dead!

Tom: How though? How could he not be dead?

You: Since I know you didn't go home after that whole thing. Did you call Harrison or Kristen to tell them what's going on?

Tom: No, why?

You: Drive home. Right now

Tom: Why?!

You: They could be in massive trouble. My parents could be doing something terrible to them to get to me and I have to get to them

Tom: Are you sure?

You: Let's call Harrison and see what happens

'Tom dials Harrisons number'

Harrison and Kristen's POV

Harrison: What the hell do you want from me?!

YM: You're just the bait along with this girl

Kristen: Excuse me?! You can at least use my name considering you know who I am

Harrison: That girl is my fiancé, and we are not bait

YD: For Tom and y/n, you are

'Harrison's phone rings'

YM: Speaking of...

Harrison: NO!

Tom: Hey Harrison, we are almost home and wanted to know about dinner

YM: There won't be any dinner for any of you

Tom: What did you do to them?!

YM: Enough

Kristen: Harrison...NO!

You: Please stop! Don't hurt them, please. I'll do anything!

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