Part 103

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'The police took care of your family, but you can't seem to let go of Tom'

Tom: Are you okay shortie?

You: I don't know...

Tom: Well, maybe going to work will help to keep you distracted for a while

You: Yeah, maybe

'You get ready for work and you drove yourself. On the way there your phone rings'

You: Hello, this is y/n

Robert: Hi kid!

You: Robert hi! What can I do for you?

Robert: Do you have Tom with you?

You: Right now, no, but he's in LA. Why?

Robert: I've been calling him for like an hour

You: Oh, he might be sleeping. We've had a rough night

Robert: Okay, I'll try later. Where are you headed?

You: To work. I have to finish the movie

Robert: Oh right! Well, I'll let you go

You: Thanks Robert

'Robert hangs up and you start to wonder why Tom didn't answer, so you call Harrison'

Harrison: Hey y/n. What's up?

You: Where's Tom?

Harrison: I don't know, why?

You: Robert's been trying to call him for an hour

Harrison: Let me check your room

You: Thank you, Harrison

'Harrison checks your room, but no Tom'

Harrison: Uhh, he's not here

You: What?!

Harrison: Let me see if his car's here

You: Oh my god

Harrison: His car is gone

You: Okay. Thank you. I'll call him

'You hang up and call Tom'

You: Please pick up, please pick up, please...

Tom: Hello

You: Tom!

Tom: Hey, what's wrong?

You: Where are you?

Tom: I went out, why?

You: Robert called me telling me you weren't picking up, then I called Harrison thinking you might be asleep, but you weren't—

Tom: Hey, I'm alright, I promise. I'll see you after work

'You hang up and walk into work'

John: Good morning

You: Morning. Where is everyone?

John: It's just you and me from now till the premier

You: That's why I would be busy. Makes sense

John: Were you able to watch anything?

You: Not yet. I've had a rough night, and Tom's eyes are very curious

John: Why don't we watch it now, and we can pause where we see anything?

You: That sounds great

'John puts on the movie, and you get ready with your notes. A few minutes into the movie you get a text from an unknown number with a picture'

It said: this isn't you, but he seems happy...

'You try to ignore it, but you can't'

You: I'll be right back. I'm just going to run to the bathroom real quick

John: That's fine. Take your time

'When you make it to the bathroom, you start to throw up'

You think: This can't be happening. I thought he loved me. Is he done with me? No, it's a misunderstanding, let him explain first

'You head back to finish watching the movie'

You: Sorry about that

John: No worries. Do you have anything so far?

You: I've got small things, but that's just my OCD being picky and annoying

John: Alright. We'll keep going and go over those picky things at the end

'You finish the movie and go everything with John'

John: Cool. I'll give this to the CGI team, and you and I will watch it again in a couple of days

You: So, when am I needed back here?

John: I'll say since today's Tuesday, maybe Thursday, but definitely Friday

You: Will you let me know about Thursday?

John: Yes, absolutely

You: Great. See you soon

'You walk to your car when you get another text and another picture. You start to breakdown and drive home. By the time you get home, you're more angry then upset'

You: Where's Tom!?

Harrison: In your room. Is everything okay?

You: No...I'm going to kill him

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