Part 61

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'As you and Tom start to get ready, you head into the bathroom to change and do your hair and makeup'

Tom: Shortie? Can I come in?

You: Oh yeah, sorry

Tom: No worries. You doing okay?

You: Not much I can do about it now...

Tom: Hey, if you want to talk to someone you can

You: I'll be alright. I don't have anything to distract me right now

Tom: You have me

'You smile and give him a kiss. You mess up his hair and undo the first button on his shirt'

You: Much better

Tom: Ready?

You: I'm going to change my pants

Tom: What's wrong with your pants?

You: They don't cover this disgusting thing

Tom: It's fine, no one is going to look

You: I don't care, I hate it. I'm changing

'Before you could walk by Tom, he throws you over his shoulder and carries you downstairs'

Kristen: Final—

You: TOM! Put me down!

Tom: Are we going?


Harrison: Well, the car's out front

Tom: Great, let's go!


Tom: Oh shush. It's fine

'He puts you in the car and he sits next to you. You sit with your hands covering your stomach. When you get to the restaurant Harrison lets you out to park the car'

Kristen: y/n, what's going on?

You: I wanted to change my pants

Harrison: Why? You look great!

You: You didn't see this disgusting thing?

Kristen: Uhh no...was I supposed to?

Harrison: You can't see it whatsoever

Tom: Told you

You: Shush

'You all enjoy dinner and head home. When you get home, you change into your pajamas almost immediately'

Tom: Seriously, it's not bad

You: Yeah it is...

Tom: You don't feel this way about your other one

You: Because I have it hidden 24/7

Tom: You were so supportive about mine though

You: I can't let you see my insecurities...

Tom: Why not?

You: I'm embarrassed by them Tom. I hate them, and they make me feel like I'm just disgusting to look at. It's also a constant reminder that my family still haunts me

Tom: You are from disgusting shortie, you're beautiful. Even if you have scars

You: I just don't feel the same way. I'm sorry Spidey

Tom: You don't have to. I'm sorry I pushed

You: Don't worry about it. I had a fun time

Tom: I'm so glad you did

You: Oh, I also have to go to the pharmacy

Tom: Why?

You: I need to pick up my pain killers for the flight

Tom: You do? I thought you were cleared

You: I am

Tom: So, what are the painkillers for?

You: The flight. I'm only picking it up in case I need them

Tom: You've completely lost me

You: The doctor said I could have a lot of pain with the pressure change, so this will help

Tom: Oh, I got it. Do you want me to come?

You: You can if you want to, but I'm driving

Tom: Alright, fine. Let's go

'You put on Tom's hoodie and head out'

You: Are you coming inside with me?

Tom: Sure, why not

'You intertwine your fingers into Tom's and walk inside with him'

Pharmacist: Hello, how can I help you?

You: Hi, I'm picking up a prescription for Holland

Pharmacist: y/n?

You: Yes

Pharmacist: Alright, what's your birthday?

You: 5/31/98

Pharmacist: Okay. You're all set

You: Thank you. Have a good night!

'You and Tom head home to pack for New York'

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