Part 39

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'You arrive at the beach house really late. You don't expect anyone to be awake, especially since you hung up with Tom a few hours ago. You quietly walk in and see the lights on in the kitchen'

You: Tom?

Tom: You're here!

'He runs up and gives you the biggest hug'

You: I missed you

Tom: I missed you too

You: I'm assuming you're awake because you want to talk

Tom: Not tonight. I knew you would be here late, so I just waited

You: Thank you, Spidey. I'm going to bed, you coming?

Tom: Oh yeah. I'm tired

'You crawl into bed and Tom wraps his hands around you and squeezes a little tighter than normal. You roll around so you're facing him'

You: I'm right here, promise

Tom: Good thing. I love you shortie

You: I love you more Spidey

Tom: Not possible

'You both drift off to sleep. You wake up before Tom and slip outside. A few minutes later Tom hugs you from behind'

You: I think I like this view better Spidey

Tom: I've always liked this view better

You: I wish we could stay here forever

Tom: We can if you want to. My family's only here for 2 weeks anyway

You: I'd love that

'You give him a kiss'

Tom: Can we talk now?

You: Of course

Tom: Well, I would like to say, please never do that again. I felt like I was shattered into a million pieces

You: I know, I'm sorry. I would rather take the hit than you. My family would be doing this to their own family. If they did anything to you or your family, I would never be able to live with myself

Tom: Have you ever thought I'm willing to take the hit in your place? And we are becoming family in 2 weeks. We'll be leaving here to go get married, then to have the best night of our lives. So, what happened?

You: One second. I'll be right back, promise

'Kristen had motioned you into the hallway. You close the door behind you'

You: What's up

Kristen: Have you told him yet?

You: Actually, I was just about to

Kristen: Oh, well then get to it!

You: You really called me out here for that?

Kristen: Yeah, because if you didn't, I was going to convince you to

You: Goodbye Kristen

'You head back to Tom'

You: Okay, so since I know you were listening

Tom: I'm sorry

You: Don't be. I would've listened too

Tom: So, what happened?

You: Well, only Jacob came. He only broke out and called me. He came to your house under strict restrictions and told me everything

Tom: Everything?

You: Yeah. My parents had him brainwashed into thinking I was some terrible person. The night he stabbed me was an accident, because he wanted to stab our mom, and protect me

Tom: Well what about him following you?

You: He was following you

Tom: Is that why he stabbed me?!

You: Yes. My parents couldn't stand to see me happy, so they brainwashed Jacob into thinking you were bad for me. So, again he was "protecting" me because my parents said to

Tom: Your parents are insane

You: Yup, so it's a good thing they will be in jail for a while. Oh! Jacob also wants us to visit every once in a while

Tom: He wants both of us?

You: Yes. I think going can be a good way of healing, for both of us

'You give Tom a kiss and hold him tight'

Tom: Thank you for telling me

You: I was always going to tell you

Tom: Breakfast?

You: Yes, please. I'm starving!

'You and Tom head down for breakfast'

Sam, Harry, and Paddy: Y/n!

Paddy: I'm so happy you're okay

Sam: You had us worried

Harry: I would've missed my best friend

You: You guys are too cute. I'm okay, promise

Mrs. Holland: y/n!

You: Mrs. Holland!

'She gives you the biggest hug'

Mrs. Holland: I'm so glad you listened to me

You: Me too

Tom: What?

You: Your mom told me to be safe

Tom: Oh, now that makes more sense

Harrison: y/n! You're here!

You: Yeah! I'm here for good

'You all sit at the table and enjoy your breakfast'

Kristen: This is delicious!

You: We need to make this more often

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