Part 138

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'Today Kristen and Harrison leave for their honeymoon to Bora Bora'

You: Have a nice trip!

Kristen: Thank you so much, for everything

You: Of course. Oh, and you should have plenty of fun

'You give her a wink and she rolled her eyes'

Harrison: Bye guys! See you in 2 weeks!

Tom: Please be safe

Kristen: We will don't worry

'They leave and it's just you and Tom left'

You: So...can we talk baby?

Tom: Yeah, what about?

You: I want them to go to school here

Tom: You do?! Yay!

You: Because you went to a great school

Tom: And what if it's a girl?

You: The sister school is just as great

Tom: Why do you sound like you don't want this?

You: Because I don't want to leave them here Tom, but they need to have a somewhat normal life

Tom: It's our child...there's no normal

You: I know, I'm really torn on what to do

Tom: Well, I know our jobs are tough, but we can arrange it so one of us is always there

You: And what happens when it comes time to put the movie together?

Tom: I'll be there with you in LA

You: Tom...

Tom: That was John's thing. I know you missed me

You: I did miss you Spidey

Tom: So, please don't stress about this

You: I don't want our child to be raised by your parents. I love them a lot, but it's not fair

Tom: Shortie...

You: They did it 3 times Spidey

Tom: Yeah, and they'd do it again in a heartbeat

You: That's a lot to ask

Tom: I know, but we'll fly back and forth for the weekends

You: Now you sound like me

Tom: Well, you said them for a reason

You: That's when I wasn't worried about this little fella in there

Tom: Have you thought about names yet?

You: I like Ryker for a boy, but I don't know a girl one

Tom: Well, what about Haylee?

You: I love it. I was thinking Ryker Dominick

Tom: For my dad?

You: Yeah. He's done so much for us

Tom: I love it

You: What were you thinking about for Haylee?

Tom: Either Haylee Nicola or Haylee Kristen

You: Those are very good, but you're picking not me

Tom: Okay, give me a while to think about it

Sam: Hey guys! We're back!

You: Hey! How was school?

Harry: It sucked, and I don't know why I went back

You: Because you need a degree

Tom: You guys are almost done anyway

Sam: I don't mind it, Harry does

Harry: Because I could be sitting on a beach all day!

You: No one in this house is on the beach all-day

Tom: We do work, you know that right?

Harry: Yeah, I know

You: Good. We're going out to dinner, so go clean up

Tom: You're not even their mom and they listen to you

You: They're afraid of me

Tom: What?!

Sam: You never mess with a pregnant lady. She'll kick your ass before you can even apologize

You: He's right, the raging hormones take over

'Everyone cleans up for dinner and you head to the restaurant'

Waiter: What can I get you all to drink?

You: I'll have water, please

Tom: Can I have a beer?

Sam: Same

Harry: Me as well

Waiter: I'll be right back

You: Way to make me stand out guys

Sam: Oh shit, sorry. I'll get water when I finish it

You: You don't have to, have a good time

Tom: Do you mean that?

You: Yes, I do. I'll drive us home

Harry: Thanks y/n!

You: Yeah, yeah

'You finish dinner and the boys are gone. You get them home and into bed. You slept in Harrison and Kristen's room because the beer smell made you nauseous'

Tom: Why are you in here?

You: Because you stink, and I was getting nauseous

Tom: I'll go take a shower, and you go back to bed

You: Alright Spidey

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