Part 131

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'It's been a few weeks at the beach and lots of driving on the weekends. Kristen and Harrison are getting married in a week. You are on your way to Paddy's school to bring him back down'

You: Hey Padster, how was school?

Paddy: Alright, I mean you guys are at the beach all-day

You: Harry and Sam are still in school, Kristen and Harrison are finishing up wedding things, I drive up here every Friday, and Tom's helping with the auditions

Paddy: So, you're not on a beach all day?

You: Nope. That's reserved for the weekends

Paddy: Can you stop home really quick?

You: Of course, do you need clothes?

Paddy: Yeah, my one suit isn't enough for a beach weekend

'You drive Paddy home to get some things'

Mrs. Holland: y/n!

You: Hi! How are you?

Mrs. Holland: I'm great. Are my boys behaving themselves?

You: They always do

Mrs. Holland: That's great to hear

Paddy: Bye mom see you Sunday!

Mrs. Holland: Bye guys. Be safe, please!

'You get to the beach house and Paddy runs inside. Tom's waiting for you on the front steps'

Tom: Hi shortie

You: Hi Spidey

Tom: How was the drive?

You: Long, but it was fine

Tom: Well, I have a surprise planned for you

You: When?

Tom: A few hours

You: How should I dress?

Tom: Something nicer that you don't really care about

You: What?

Tom: It may have damage potential

You: Alright Spidey. I have an outfit in mind

'You walk inside to see Paddy with Kristen'

Tom: You might as well adopt him, Kristen

Kristen: I wish

Tom: I was joking

You: That's why she said I wish Spidey

Paddy: Are you excited to marry Harrison?

Kristen: I am, yeah

You: Good thing your big day is next week!

Tom: I can't wait to party!

You: I'm excited about everything after

Tom: That's kind of gross

Kristen: Tom, we agreed to wait till after my wedding to start the process

Tom: I wasn't involved with this conversation

You: Because you're less important

Tom: How?

You: We need her body for 9 months

Tom: Alright fair enough

Kristen: Don't worry, you guys will be involved

You: So, where's your honeymoon?

Harrison: We're going to Bora Bora

Tom: Lucky

You: Hey, I know we didn't get one, but it's their turn to be happy

Tom: I know. You guys are going to love it there

Kristen: I can't wait!

Paddy: There's too much love in this room

Harry: Hey everyone! Welcome back Paddy

Paddy: Thanks

Harry: Wow the sass

You: He's just jealous we all get to stay here for the whole week

Tom: We do have jobs though bud

Paddy: You're still steps from the beach Tom

You: Why don't we all watch a movie?

'You start the movie and you can see everyone enjoying themselves'

Tom: Hey, go get ready for our date

You: Okay, give me 20 minutes

'You go to get ready while everyone finishes the movie. Your phone rings'

You: Hello, this is y/n

John: Hi y/n

You: Hi John, what's up?

John: Are you able to talk?

You: Yes, of course, I am. Is everything okay?

John: Kind of. I've made the decision to retire

You: Congratulations and you will truly be missed

John: I should be saying congratulations to you

You: I'm confused

John: I am able to pick my successor, and I picked you y/n

You: Oh my god, you're joking

John: No. As of tomorrow morning, you are the Executive of the creative department for Marvel

You: Oh my...thank you so much

John: And I will help you through it for the first few months and through the interview process

You: Thank you, sir, this means so much to me

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