Part 16

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Tom: Why did you knock?

You: Wanted to make sure she wasn't here

'You send her a text explaining everything and that you're crashing at her place for a few nights. You head into the bathroom to freshen up and put on pajamas.'

Tom: Hey shortie, your mom is calling!

You: You can answer it, but it's probably Jacob

'Tom answers'

Tom: Hello Mrs. y/l/n

Jacob: You really are stupid, aren't you?

Tom: Uhh no, I'm actually quite smart

Jacob: You could fool me! So, I hear y/n is dating you

Tom: Where did you hear that?

Jacob: Oh, she told me, while you were getting ice cream

Tom: How you weren't there?

Jacob: y/n's mother doesn't tell you everything

You: Tom is everything okay?

'He nods and continues the conversation'

Jacob: I'll see my sister one way or another. All her stuff is here, and she'll come back eventually

'He hangs up'

Tom: Looks like I've got to buy you all new stuff

You: What do you mean?

Tom: Jacob is at your apartment and doesn't plan on leaving. I told you I would always protect you and right now the best thing I can come up with is going to London and keep it a secret from your family here.

You: Are you sure you're okay with that plan?

Tom: Are you? I mean we wouldn't be in this mess if I hadn't pushed you to tell your parents

You: Hey, I told them because I was ready to, not because you pushed me to.

Tom: Really? So, if I had told you to leave the ring, you're telling me you wouldn't?

You: I'm not sure. Tom, I'm doing things I never thought I could because of you. You've given me a confidence I didn't have, you've shown me a new me, and I thank you, Tom. I love you Spidey

Tom: I love you too shortie.

You: Let me call Kristen and see if she needs anything. When's our flight?

Tom: Tomorrow night

'You walk out to the balcony to call Kristen and tell her everything'

Kristen: Hey y/n! How's LA?

You: Umm it really sucks. I don't know if you saw my text but I'm actually at your place

Kristen: I didn't. Why are you at my place?

You: Jacob showed up to my ice cream date with my parents. Tom finally gave me the confidence to tell my parents, but they brought Jacob and he heard everything

Kristen: Oh my god y/n, are you okay? I know you stress over him

You: I'll be okay, but I don't think my palms will

Kristen: You still clench your hands?

You: What else am I going to clench? If I squeeze Tom's hands as hard as I do my own, I'll break his hands.

Kristen: We have to get your stress under control

You: I know, it's gotten so bad I give myself anxiety attacks

Kristen: y/'re not

You: I am! But on a different note, Tom and I will be back in London tomorrow night. Do you need anything from here?

Kristen: Actually yeah. Can you just pack all my clothes that aren't dirty, please?

You: Yeah, anything else?

Kristen: Nope, thank you!

'You hang up with Kristen and Tom hugs you from behind'

Tom: Does she need anything?

You: Yeah, all her clean clothes

Tom: That's do-able. I'm going to head to your place, I need my stuff

You: Can't my parents just mail it? I don't want you to get hurt.

Tom: I mean I guess that's okay

You: Thank you, Spidey

'You start to pack up some of Kristen's things before you head to bed.'

Tom's POV

Tom: Hey Mrs. y/l/n. I need a favor

YM: Sure Tom, what's up?

Tom: I was going to stop by and grab 

my stuff, but y/n doesn't want me to

YM: So why do you need me?

Tom: Could you possibly mail it to me? Or 

put it somewhere I can grab it without being seen?

YM: Why don't I put it in your car's trunk? That way 

when you come to get the car it will be there.

Tom: That sounds great, I'm probably going

to get the car around lunch tomorrow

YM: Then we'll make sure not to be here! 

I'll leave the keys under the car for you

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