Part 17

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'You wake up the next morning in a cold sweat. You don't see Tom in the room, and you run out to the living room'

Tom: Hey, hey are you alright?

'You just stand there and start to cry'

Tom: Come here, it's okay. I've got you now

You: I'm ready to leave

Tom: Well you have to finish packing those clean clothes

You: Then can we leave?

Tom: Of course, shortie. I have to pick something up first.

You: Tom?

Tom: It's okay I have a plan

'Tom goes off and you finish packing. He comes back about an hour later'

You: It took you an hour to get lunch?

Tom: Yes and no. I got my stuff, some of your stuff, and the car

You: That was your plan?

Tom: Yeah, so we'll eat and then head out, okay?

You: Can we just head out?

Tom: Sure darling

'You head to the airport early and eat when you get there. When you're done you board the plane and head for London.'

Tom: Hey, you're safe from him

You: What if my parents—'Tom cuts you off'

Tom: If your parents tell him anything, he's coming to my turf

You: Thank you, Spidey

'You've been so stressed out lately you haven't slept more than an hour at a time. You fell asleep on your way to London. You wake up crying and clenching your hands again. Tom also wakes up and notices'

Tom: Hey stop! Here

'He gives you his hands but it's not helping. You get up and start pacing, your breathing heavy, and your palms are bleeding again'

Tom: Hey, you have to relax, I'm right here and we're almost there

You: Just give me a minute, please

'You walk back to the bathroom but before you could get there you scream'


Tom: I'm here, I'm right here

'You fall into his arms and start balling. Your breathing slows, but your crying doesn't. You arrive in London and get to Tom's house. You go straight up to Tom's room and sit on the balcony'

Tom's POV

Harrison: Hey is y/n alright?

Tom: I'm not so sure

Kristen: How bad was LA?

Tom: It wasn't pretty let's say that

Harrison: What are you going to do?

Tom: I'm going to leave her be for right now, and we'll see what happens. Jacob really got to her and now her anxiety is so bad

Kristen: Is she still clenching her hands? And making her palms bleed?

Tom: Yes, I keep giving her my hands but she's holding back

Kristen: She doesn't want to break them, Tom.

'After a few hours, you walk downstairs'

Your POV

You: Hey guys

Tom: Hey shortie, how ya doing?

You: I'm okay—'you stick out your hands to Tom'

Tom: y/n no, come on, upstairs

'Tom brings you upstairs into his bathroom and you sit down in front of him'

Tom: Please try to sit still, these are worse than last time

You: Okay, but no promises

'Tom puts your hands over the sink and pours peroxide on your hands'

You: Are you trying to kill me, Tom?!

Tom: I told you they were worse. Please I'm almost done

'Tom finishes dries your hands, and wipes your tears'

You: Thank you, Spidey

Tom: Anytime, but we have to get you to stop that

You: I was doing good until Jacob came around again

'Tom grabs your hands'

Tom: But he's not here, and I'll protect you. I promise. Let's head downstairs and eat okay

You: Okay

'You head downstairs and find Kristen staring at the front door'

You: Kristen are you okay?

Harrison: Uh Tom, there's a guy here to see you

Kristen: It's Jacob

Tom: Don't you dare clench your hands! I'll take care of this I promise

Harrison: Come on. I'll hide you, Kristen you come too

'Tom goes to answer the door while you and Kristen hide'

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