Part 102

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'You head downstairs and hear a familiar voice, so you start sneaking around'

Jacob: Mom, we aren't doing this. This is crazy

YM: She left us behind, and we're finishing this

Jacob: Mom! Listen to yourself

YD: She's right

Jacob: Why do you hate her so much? It doesn't make sense!

YM: It's simple. We only ever wanted you

Jacob: Alright, you have me. Leave her alone, she's left you. Let's go

YM: But she'll have kids

YD: And they'll never know us

YM: That's not okay

'You come around the corner crying'

You: You already took that away from me...

YM: What?

You: When you shot me, you ruined my chances of ever having a child

Jacob: You are horrible people. How could you?!

You: It's simple. As long as I'm either miserable or half-dead, they're happy. Right?

YM: Well...yeah

Jacob: Oh my god!

You: Well, you can't break me

YD: I think we can

You: Go for it. You've already taken everything away from me

YM: All but one thing

You: You won't put a finger on any of them!

YD: We don't want

YM: But we will

Tom's POV

'He wakes up and see's you're not there. He runs to the hallway to see Harrison'

Tom: Where is she?

Harrison: Downstairs

Tom: Why?

Harrison: I think her family found us

Tom: NO!

'He starts to run, but Harrison grabs his wrist to stop him'

Harrison: Stop. She said she would yell if she needs help

Tom: It could be too late...

Harrison: Tom—

Tom: Harrison, let me go. I'm going to help my best everything...

Harrison: Alright, I'll stay here and keep everyone up here if they wake up

Your POV

You: You won't do anything. They have nothing to do with your obsession to kill me

Jacob: We aren't killing her!

YM: We want to

Jacob: No! She's your child!

YD: So? She's ruined so much already

You: Like what?!

YM: That night Jacob came home from the party

You: I helped him sober up! And he wasn't at a party

YD: Yes, he was

Jacob: No, I wasn't. I went to a bar and got completely plastered

YM: Why?!

Jacob: Because you were bashing my little sister and I couldn't do anything. So, I'm doing it now...

YD: What are you doing?

You: ...Protecting me

'As Jacob stands in front of you, you feel someone grab your hands and pull you away'

Tom: Oh my god, are you okay?!

'You give him a huge hug'

You: I'm great Spidey. Thank you for waking up

YM: Oh look, our last piece

You: Stop! This is ridiculous!

YD: How?

You: You're trying to kill me!

YM: Yeah, so stop stopping us

You: ...Let's just make a deal

YM: What?

'Just as that happens the door bursts open and Tom picks you up by your waist and pulls you back. Harrison comes running down the stairs'

Police Officer: Hands up! You're under arrest!

Harrison: Are you okay y/n?

You: Yes, thank you. Wait...who called the cops?

Mr. Holland: I did

Tom: Dad?

Mr. Holland: It's part of my plan. They'll be in court in a few weeks

You: What about Jacob?

Jacob: I'm right here

'You all turn around in shock'

You: How?

Mr. Holland: He's been helping me. That's how they found us, and that's how we're taking them down

You: Thank you, Jacob

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