Part 118

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'Kristen and Harrison come back from their date really late, and you're still awake'

Kristen: Hey. Why are you up?

You: Couldn't sleep, it's too hard

Harrison: Have you been upstairs yet?

You: Yeah, I even cleaned up the mess with Tom

Kristen: Why did you do that?

You: I thought if I couldn't see it then I would forget about it

Harrison: That didn't work, did it?

You: Clearly

Harrison: Tom asleep?

You: Yeah. I switched my body with a pillow to confuse him

Kristen: That's kind of funny, but you should go up there

You: I won't sleep though

Harrison: I think the comfort of Tom being there will help

You: Okay. See you guys in the morning

'You head back upstairs and lay next to Tom'

Tom: Welcome back

You: I'm sorry

Tom: Don't be. I know you're stressed out

You: I'm okay when I'm with you Spidey

Tom: Glad to hear it Shortie

'Tom pulls you close, and you snuggle into his chest'

You: I love you Thomas

Tom: I love you more y/n

'You finally fall asleep in the comfort of Tom. You try to get up the next morning, but Tom tightens his grip around your waist. So, you decide to stay a little longer'

Tom: Morning Shortie

You: Good morning my love

Tom: Ready for breakfast?

You: Yeah, let's go

'You get downstairs to get some food'

Kristen: Good morning guys

Harrison: We made breakfast for everyone

You: Great...where is it?

Harrison: Outside

Kristen: We set up the balcony

Tom: Thanks guys

'You all head out to the balcony for breakfast. For some reason, you aren't hungry, but you don't make it obvious'

You: What should we do today?

Kristen: Want to watch movies all day?

Tom: That sounds like fun

Harrison: Yeah!

Tom: What about you y/n?

You: ...yeah, sure

'You help Kristen clean up breakfast, then Tom pulls you upstairs'

You: What?

Tom: I know you don't want to watch movies

You: I don't care

Tom: Yes, you do. Why don't you and I go for a walk?

You: Yeah, I'd like that

'You get ready then head out'

You: Kristen, we'll be back later

Tom: Going to get some air

Kristen: Alright, see you soon

'Once you and Tom get outside you start walking anywhere your feet take you'

Tom: Are you okay?

You: I'm fine

Tom: You're not, I know you're not

You: How do you know that?

Tom: You barely ate dinner and you didn't eat breakfast. Then you didn't want to watch movies

You: I'm sorry for not wanting to stay

Tom: I don't blame you, but you have to stop hiding

You: No, you have to stop pushing. Sometimes I can't do it regardless of what you think

Tom: Why not? You said it yourself, you can't be afraid

You: I'm afraid all the time!

Tom: Why?!

You: I've always been afraid!

'You take off running, but you don't know where you are. You take out your phone and call Kristen'

Kristen: Hey, everything okay?

You: No, it's not...

Kristen: Where are you?

You: No, don't come and find me. Just go find tom and bring him home

Kristen: But—

You: ...please

Kristen: Okay, bye

'You're sitting on the edge of a mountain enjoying the view. Tom calls you crying'

You: Tom?

Tom: Please come home...

You: Why?

Tom: I messed up, and I really needed to talk to you

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